Kort om
Dan is Associate Professor of Finance at Oslo Business School. She received a Ph.D. in Finance from Erasmus University Rotterdam and was a visiting Ph.D. scholar at the Stern School of Business at New York University. She worked at BI Norwegian Business School for six years before joining Oslomet. Her research interests cover the areas of empirical corporate finance, executive compensation, and corporate governance. She has published in Review of Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, and Journal of Empirical Finance.
Aktive forskningsprosjekter
Heterogene investorer og aktivaallokeringer
I dette prosjektet undersøker vi hvordan norske husholdninger respondere på endringer i pengepolitikken, sammen med variasjonen i aktivaallokering.
Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter
CEOs Personal Risk Attitudes and Corporate Financing and Investment
Dette prosjektet prøver å svare på hvordan lederens personlige holdninger til risiko påvirker bedriftens atferd.