Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Barker, Dean
; Ekberg, J.-E.; Nyberg, Gunn; Larsson, H.
What do you think you are doing? How physical education researchers make scientific contributions.
Sport, Education and Society.
Fjellner, Robin Lindgren; Larsson, Håkan;
Barker, Dean
Exploring the enacted content of the Practising Model: A Bildung theoretical perspective.
European Physical Education Review.
Quennerstedt, Mikael;
Barker, Dean
; Johansson, Anna; Korp, Peter
Teaching with the test: Using fitness tests to teach paradoxically in physical education.
European Physical Education Review.
Nyberg, Gunn; Ekberg, Jan-Eric;
Barker, Dean
; Larsson, Håkan
Power of movement capability.
Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education.
Aasland, Erik
; Nyberg, Gunn;
Barker, Dean
Enacting a new physical education curriculum: a collaborative investigation.
14 s.
Sport, Education and Society.
Varea, V.; Caldeborg, A.;
Barker, Dean
; Quennerstedt, Mikael
Health education in Swedish schools–what’s on offer?.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
Larsson, Håkan;
Barker, Dean
; Ekberg, Jan-Eric; Engdahl, Christopher; Frisk, Anders; Nyberg, Gunn
Creative dance – practising and improving … what? A study in physical education teacher education.
17 s.
European Physical Education Review.
Kamuk Storm, Louise; Munk Svendsen, Annemari; Stambulova, Natalia;
Barker, Dean
; Ronkainen, Noora; Bjørndal, Christian Thue; Larsen, Signe Højbjerre; Book, Robert; Kuettel, Andreas; Larsen, Carsten Hvid; Henriksen, Kristoffer
Cultural leadership in physical education and youth sport: Consensus from a Nordic Think Tank.
Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (SJSEP).
Vol. 6.
Barker, Dean
; Larsson, Nils Håkan Olof; Nyberg, Gunn
How Movement Habits Become Relevant in Novel Learning Situations.
Journal of teaching in physical education.
Vol. 43.
Mustell, Jan; Geidne, Susanna;
Barker, Dean
The transformation of ball games as pedagogic discourse within physical education teacher education.
European Physical Education Review.