Bygningsfag Arkitektur og bygningsteknologi
Bygningsfysikk Varme- og fukttransport Energi og innemiljø Bærekraft i det bygde miljøet Livløpsanalyse Trebygninger Bygningsteknologi
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Hosamo, Haidar
; Coelho, Guilherme Barreto Arez; Buvik, Elsa;
Drissi, Sarra
Kraniotis, Dimitrios
Building sustainability through a novel exploration of dynamic LCA uncertainty: Overview and state of the art.
24 s.
Building and Environment.
Vol. 264.
Ruiz Capel, Samuel
; Romero-Tello, Pablo; Gutiérrez-Romero, José Enrique;
Kraniotis, Dimitrios
Reyes, Aase
Influence of the main bulb’s parameters of bulbous bow vessels on heave and pitch motions for head sea.
International Journal of Structural Integrity.
Vol. 16.
Hosamo, Haidar
; Coelho, Guilherme Barreto Arez;
Rolfsen, Christian Nordahl
Kraniotis, Dimitrios
Building performance optimization through sensitivity Analysis, and economic insights using AI.
24 s.
Energy and Buildings.
Vol. 325.
Loli, Arian; Brozovsky, Johannes Georg; Ostapska-Luczkowska, Katarzyna; Coelho, Guilherme Barreto Arez;
Kraniotis, Dimitrios
Risk Assessment from Unfavourable Moisture and Water in Innovative Timber Façade: A Participatory Approach.
Berardi, U. (Red.).
Multiphysics and Multiscale Building Physics.IABP 2024. s. 54-61.
Coelho, Guilherme Barreto Arez; Ostapska, Katarzyna;
Kraniotis, Dimitrios
; Brozovsky, Johannes Georg; Loli, Arian
Development of a hybrid timber and aluminum based unitized façade system resilient to the future weather conditions in Europe via monitoring campaigns and computational models.
Procedia Structural Integrity.
Vol. 55.
Coelho, Guilherme Barreto Arez; Kraniotis, Dimitrios (2023). Numerical investigation of mould growth risk in a timber-based facade system under current and future climate scenarios. 11 s. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS).
Ostapska-Luczkowska, Katarzyna; Coelho, Guilherme Barreto Arez; Brozovsky, Johannes Georg;
Kraniotis, Dimitrios
; Loli, Arian
Development of climatic damage predictive tool for timber facade moisture-related damage.
7 s.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS).
Vol. 2600.
Coelho, Guilherme Barreto Arez;
Kraniotis, Dimitrios
A multistep approach for the hygrothermal assessment of a hybrid timber and aluminium based facade system exposed to different sub-climates in Norway.
Energy and Buildings.
Vol. 296.
Kyaw, Khin Su Su; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo;
Kraniotis, Dimitrios
Adaptive reuse of industrial heritage building – comparative life cycle assessment using a case study.
12 s.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES).
Vol. 1196.
Grottesi, Giulia; Coelho, Guilherme Barreto Arez;
Kraniotis, Dimitrios
Heat and Moisture Induced Stress and Strain in Wooden Artefacts and Elements in Heritage Buildings: A Review.
35 s.
Applied Sciences.
Vol. 13.