English version
Ellen Hagesæther

Ellen Hagesæther

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Husmo Duaas, Marte Andrea; Reginold, Piarina; Bayram, Kübra; Hagesæther, Ellen (2023). Bukkal og nasal midazolam - biofarmasøytiske egenskaper hos voksne. Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT). Vol. 5.

Bhandari, Madhavi ; Nguyen, Sanko ; Yazdani, Mazyar; Utheim, Tor Paaske ; Hagesæther, Ellen (2022). The Therapeutic Benefits of Nanoencapsulation in Drug Delivery to the Anterior Segment of the Eye: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Pharmacology. Vol. 13.

Mulac, Alma; Hagesæther, Ellen ; Granås, Anne Gerd (2021). Medication dose calculation errors and other numeracy mishaps in hospitals: Analysis of the nature and enablers of incident reports. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Vol. 78.

Tzanova, Martina ; Hagesæther, Ellen ; Tho, Ingunn (2020). Solid lipid nanoparticle-loaded mucoadhesive buccal films – Critical quality attributes and in vitro safety & efficacy. 11 s. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Vol. 592.

Hagesæther, Ellen ; Adamczak, Malgorzata Iwona; Hiorth, Marianne; Tho, Ingunn (2020). Characterization of Bioadhesion, Mucin‐interactions and Mucosal Permeability of Pharmaceutical Nano‐ and Microsystems. Peltonen, Leena (Red.). Characterization of Pharmaceutical Nano and Microsystems. s. 171-205. John Wiley & Sons.

Mulac, Alma; Taxis, Katja; Hagesæther, Ellen ; Granås, Anne Gerd (2020). Severe and fatal medication errors in hospitals: findings from the Norwegian Incident Reporting System. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (EJHP).

Alopaeus, Julia Fredrika; Hagesæther, Ellen ; Tho, Ingunn (2019). Micellisation Mechanism and Behaviour of Soluplus®–Furosemide Micelles: Preformulation Studies of an Oral Nanocarrier-Based System. Pharmaceuticals. Vol. 12.

Roque, Luis; Duarte, Noelia; Bronze, Maria Rosario; Garcia, Catarina; Alopaeus, Julia Fredrika; Molpeceres, Jesus; Hagesæther, Ellen ; Tho, Ingunn; Rijo, Patricia; Reis, Catarina (2018). Development of a bioadhesive nanoformulation with Glycyrrhiza glabra L. extract against Candida albicans. Biofouling (Print). Vol. 34.

Roque, Luis; Alopaeus, Julia Fredrika; Reis, Cláudia; Rijo, Patricia; Molpeceres, Jesus; Hagesæther, Ellen ; Tho, Ingunn; Reis, Catarina (2018). Mucoadhesive assessment of different antifungal nanoformulations. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. Vol. 13.

Dadadottir, Lovisa Hansen; Nordås, Henriette; Finne, Solveig Nyland; Kuraas, Ane; Hagesæther, Ellen (2018). Topikale versus orale NSAIDs - oppnådde konsentrasjoner i blod og vev. Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT). Vol. 126.

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