English version
George Harry Hitching

George Harry Hitching

Kort om

Matematikk - algebraisk geometri



Matematikk   Algebra/algebraisk analyse


Algebraisk geometri   Vektorbunter på kurver

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Cheong, Daewoong; Choe, Insong; Hitching, George Harry (2024). Counting maximal isotropic subbundles of orthogonal bundles over a curve. 37 s. Journal of Algebra. Vol. 663.

Hitching, George Harry (2024). Secant loci of scrolls over curves. Gothen, Peter; Melo, Margarida; Teixidor i Bigas, Montserrat (Red.). Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles - New Trends. s. 279-313. American Mathematical Society (AMS).

Choe, Insong; Hitching, George Harry ; Hong, Jaehyun (2024). Simplicity of Tangent bundles on the moduli spaces of symplectic and orthogonal bundles over a curve. 17 s. Comptes rendus. Mathematique. Vol. 362.

Choe, Insong; Hitching, George Harry (2023). LOW RANK ORTHOGONAL BUNDLES AND QUADRIC FIBRATIONS. 32 s. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society. Vol. 60.

Cheong, Daewoong; Choe, Insong; Hitching, George Harry (2021). Irreducibility of Lagrangian Quot schemes over an algebraic curve. Mathematische Zeitschrift.

Choe, Insong; Cheong, Daewoong; Hitching, George Harry (2021). Isotropic Quot schemes of orthogonal bundles over a curve. International Journal of Mathematics.

Cheong, Daewoong; Choe, Insong; Hitching, George Harry (2021). Counting maximal Lagrangian subbundles over an algebraic curve. Journal of Geometry and Physics.

Hitching, George Harry ; Bajravani, Ali (2020). Brill–Noether loci on moduli spaces of symplectic bundles over curves. Collectanea Mathematica.

Hitching, George Harry ; Hoff, Michael; Newstead, Peter E. (2020). Nonemptiness and smoothness of twisted Brill-Noether loci. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata.

Hitching, George Harry (2020). A Riemann–Kempf singularity theorem for higher rank Brill-Noether loci. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society.

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