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Gro Markeset

Gro Markeset



Konstruksjonsanalyse   Bruddmekanikk   Betong   Betongkonstruksjoner   Bestandighet og levetid   Armeringskorrosjon   Lavkarbonbetong


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Osmolska, Magdalena Jadwiga; Kanstad, Terje; Hendriks, Max; Markeset, Gro (2022). Numerical investigation into the effects of corrosion on the shear performance of pretensioned bridge girders with cast-in-place slabs. 22 s. Structures. Vol. 46.

Kongshaug, Simen Sørgaard; Hendriks, Max; Kanstad, Terje; Markeset, Gro (2022). Toward identifying the ASR-induced stresses from displacement measurements and crack observations—Demonstration on a beam bridge in Norway. 19 s. Engineering structures. Vol. 263.

Sigvaldsen, Marie; Ersdal, Gerhard; Markeset, Gro ; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Langeteig, Magne (2021). Capacity of Concrete Structures with Corroded Reinforcement and Prestressing Tendons. 16 s. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 1201.

Kongshaug, Simen Sørgaard; Larssen, Rolf Magne; Hendriks, Max; Kanstad, Terje; Markeset, Gro (2021). Load effects in reinforced concrete beam bridges affected by alkali–silica reaction—Constitutive modelling including expansion, cracking, creep and crushing. 16 s. Engineering structures. Vol. 245.

Osmolska, Magdalena Jadwiga; Hornbostel, Karla; Kanstad, Terje; Hendriks, Max; Markeset, Gro (2020). Inspection and assessment of corrosion in pretensioned concrete bridge girders exposed to coastal climate. Infrastructures. Vol. 5.

Kongshaug, Simen Sørgaard; Oseland, Oddbjørn Wathne; Kanstad, Terje; Hendriks, Max; Rodum, Eva; Markeset, Gro (2020). Experimental investigation of ASR-affected concrete – The influence of uniaxial loading on the evolution of mechanical properties, expansion and damage indices. 15 s. Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 245.

Paciorek, Magdalena Jadwiga; Kanstad, Terje; Hendriks, Max; Hornbostel, Karla; Markeset, Gro (2019). Durability of pretensioned concrete girders in coastal climate bridges: Basis for better maintenance and future design. Structural Concrete. Vol. 20.

Plevris, Vagelis ; Markeset, Gro (2018). Educational Challenges in Computer-based Finite Element Analysis and Design of structures. Journal of Computer Science. Vol. 14.

Li, Jiabin; Markeset, Gro ; Kioumarsi, Mahdi (2017). Nonlinear FEM Simulation of Structural Performance of Corroded RC Columns subjected to Axial Compression. Nordic Concrete Research. Vol. 57.

Plevris, Vagelis ; Bakas, Nikos; Markeset, Gro ; Bellos, John (2017). Literature review of masonry structures under earthquake excitation utilizing machine learning algorithms. Papadrakakis, Manolis; Fragiadakis, Michalis (Red.). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2017). s. 2685-2694. European Community on Computional Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS).

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