Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Søberg, Lilja Elina Kaarina Palovaara ; Müller, Hanne (2021). Teacher educators’ experiences when changing to digital teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in subject Food and Health. International Journal of Home Economics. Vol. 14.
Müller, Hanne ; Søberg, Lilja Elina Kaarina Palovaara (2020). Digital diet planning task in a Food and health subject curriculum in teacher education. International Journal of Home Economics. Vol. 13.
Müller, Hanne ; Søberg, Lilja Elina Kaarina Palovaara (2017). Student-led lessons as inquiry-based learning in a food and health subject curriculum. International Journal of Home Economics. Vol. 10.
Haug, Anna; Sjøgren, Per; Hølland, Nina;
Müller, Hanne
; Kjos, Nils Petter; Taugbøl, Ole; Fjerdingby, Nina; Biong, Anne Sofie; Selmer-Olsen, Eirik; Harstad, Odd Magne
Effects of butter naturally enriched with conjugated linoleic acid and vaccenic acid on blood lipids and LDL particle size in growing pigs.
1 s.
Lipids in Health and Disease.
Vol. 7.
Pedersen, Jan I; Müller, Hanne ; Seljeflot, Ingebjørg; Kirkhus, Bente (2005). Palm oil versus hydrogenated soybean oil: Effects on serum lipids and plasma haemostatic variables. 10 s. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 14.
Haug, Anna; Müller, Hanne (2005). Viktige risikofaktorer for hjerte- og karsykdom. 1 s. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. Vol. 125.
Müller, Hanne ; Grande, Terje; Ahlstrøm, Øystein; Ahlstrøm, Øystein; Skrede, Anders; Skrede, Anders (2005). A diet rich in phosphatidylethanolamine increases plasma homocysteine in mink: a comparison with a soyabean oil diet. 7 s. British Journal of Nutrition. Vol. 94.
Müller, Hanne
; Hellgren, Lars I; Olsen, Elisabeth; Skrede, Anders
Lipids rich in phosphatidylethanolamine from natural gas-utilizing bacteria reduce plasma cholesterol and classes of phospholipids: a comparison with soybean oil.
9 s.
Vol. 39.
Müller, Hanne
; Hellgren, Lars I; Olsen, Elisabeth; Skrede, Anders
Lipids rich in Phosphatidylethanolamine from natural gas-utilizing bacteria reduce plasma cholesterol and classes of phospholipids: a comparison with soybean oil.
9 s.
Vol. 39.
Haug, Anna; Müller, Hanne (2004). Transfett, mettet fett og risiko for hjerte- og karsykdommer. 2 s. ?. Vol. 124.