Kort om
Dr Jian Dai er førsteamanuensis i konstruksjonsteknikk ved Institutt for byg- og energiteknikk. Hans forskningsarbeid ligger hovedsakelig i beregningsmessig konstruksjonsdynamikk, med applikasjoner til jernbanesystemer og store flytende konstrukturer.
2020 - dato: Førsteamanuensis og studieleder bygg, Oslo Metropolitan University
2019 - 2021: Postdoktor, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
2015 - 2019: Forsker, National University of Singapore
2013 - 2015: Ingeniør, KTP Consultants, Singapore
PhD, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2015
BEng, Tongji University, Kina, 2009
Store flytende konstruksjoner, jernbanedynamikk, numeriske metoder
Medlem av profesjonelle foreninger
Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK
Institution of Engineers, Singapore
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Liu, Xingyu; Shi, Jin;
Dai, Jian
; Wang, Yingjie;
Lu, Chaoru
Correspondence Between Alignment Wavelength and Vehicle Response Wavelength of High-Speed Rails.
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.
Jiang, Zhiyu;
Dai, Jian
; Saettone, Simone; Souto-Iglesias, Antonio
Model Tests of a 12 by 18 Floating Solar Array Under Regular Wave Conditions.
OMAE 2024, . (Red.).
ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 7: Ocean Renewable Energy.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Leventopoulou, Theano;
Dai, Jian
; Jiang, Zhiyu
Hydroelastic analysis of floating photovoltaic floater under regular waves.
2024, OMAE (Red.).
Proceedings of ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 4: Ocean Space Utilization.. s. 1-9.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Jiménez Rios, Alejandro; Seghier, Mohamed El Amine Ben; Plevris, Vagelis;
Dai, Jian
Explainable ensemble learning framework for estimating corrosion rate in suspension bridge main cables.
15 s.
Results in Engineering (RINENG).
Vol. 23.
Hu, Zhicheng; Lau, Albert;
Dai, Jian
; Frøseth, Gunnstein Thomas
Identification of optimal accelerometer placement on trains for railway switch wear monitoring via multibody simulation.
19 s.
Frontiers in Built Environment.
Vol. 10.
Xu, Guoji; Chen, Xin; Cao, Zhiyang;
Dai, Jian
; Wang, Jinsheng
Probabilistic models of marine environmental variables and their impact on dynamic responses of a sea-crossing suspension bridge.
20 s.
Ocean Engineering.
Vol. 308.
Song, Yang
Dai, Jian
; Lau, Albert
Analysis of railway vehicle-track interaction performance in submerged floating tunnel subjected to wave excitations.
17 s.
Ocean Engineering.
Vol. 303.
Zhang, Chi;
Dai, Jian
; Ang, Kok Keng; Lim, Han Vincent
Development of compliant modular floating photovoltaic farm for coastal conditions.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
Vol. 190.
Dai, Jian
; Lim, Joshua Guan Yi; Ang, Kok Keng
Dynamic Response Analysis of High-Speed Maglev-Guideway System.
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies.
Jiang, Zhiyu;
Dai, Jian
; Saettone, Simone; Tørå, Glenn; He, Zhao; Bashir, Musa; Souto-Iglesias, Antonio
Design and model test of a soft-connected lattice-structured floating solar photovoltaic concept for harsh offshore conditions.
25 s.
Marine Structures.
Vol. 90.