English version
Malin Lindroth

Malin Lindroth

Kort om

Jeg har en doktorgrad i det tverrfaglige emnet Helse og samfunn og er førsteamanuensis i Helse og samfunn med spesialisering i sexologi og seksualitetsstudier. Ved OsloMet er jeg førsteamanuensis i Helsefremmende arbeid og involvert i flere forskningsprosjekter:

I tillegg er jeg ansvarlig for og underviser i flere masterkurs i seksuell helse rettet mot helse- og velferdspersonell.





Psykososialt arbeid   Sosialt arbeid   Helsevitenskap   Seksuell helse   Ungdoms seksuelle og reproduktive helse   Barnevernsforskning   Helsesykepleie

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Amroussia, Nada; Lindroth, Malin ; Andersson, Catrine (2025). Negotiating belonging, risk and agency: discourses of sexuality among young people with migration experience in Southern Sweden. Culture, Health and Sexuality.

Amroussia, Nada; Lindroth, Malin ; Andersson, Catrine (2024). Young people with migration experience and their (non) encounters with Swedish sexual and reproductive health services and information: An explorative study. Journal of Migration and Health. Vol. 10.

Björkas, Robin; Lindroth, Malin ; Richert, Torkel (2024). Child welfare workers’ understanding of young people's sexual health when conducting assessments due to substance use problems. Children and Youth Services Review. Vol. 164.

Lindskog, Anna; Lindroth, Malin ; Holmgren, Kristina; Gunnarsson, Anna Birgitta (2024). Balancing on a slack line – Staffs’ experiences of talking about sexuality and sexual health with patients cared for in forensic psychiatry in Sweden. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Vol. 15.

Bjørkas, Robin; Richert, Torkel; Lindroth, Malin (2024). Child welfare workers’ understanding of gender, sexual orientation and sexual health in assessments of youths with a problematic substance use. European Journal of Social Work.

Lindroth, Malin ; Carlstrøm, Charlotta; Andersson, Catrine; Husen, Elin (2024). Social Workers as Allies? Gender Confirming Practices and Institutional Limitations in Youth Residential Homes. Clinical social work journal.

Andersson, Catrine; Carlstrøm, Charlotta; Amroussia, Nada; Lindroth, Malin (2024). Using Twelve-Step Treatment for Sex Addiction and Compulsive Sexual Behaviour (Disorder): A Systematic Review of the Literature. Sexual Health & Compulsivity.

Arvidsson, Anna; Grander, Anette; Lindroth, Malin (2024). School health-care team members’ reflections of their promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR): Important but neglected. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare. Vol. 39.

Carlstrøm, Charlotta; Andersson, Catrine; Lindroth, Malin (2023). LGBTQ+ Affirmative State Care for Young People in Sweden: New Knowledge and Old Traditions. 16 s. The British Journal of Social Work. Vol. 53.

Julia, Bahner; Lindroth, Malin (2023). Researchers With Benefits? Methodological and Ethical Challenges and Possibilities in Sexuality Research Within Marginalised Populations. International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM). Vol. 22.

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