Psykoterapi Billedterapi Kunst og utdanning Kunst og helse Visuell kunst
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Rankanen, Mimmu
; Leinikka, Marianne; Groth, Camilla; Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Pirita; Mäkelä, Maarit; Huotilainen, Minna
Physiological measurements and emotional experiences of drawing and clay forming.
14 s.
The Arts in Psychotherapy.
Vol. 79.
Rankanen, Mimmu (2021). Embodied, intersubjective and aesthetic view into the process of therapeutic change. Huet, Valérie; Kapitan, Lynn (Red.). International Advances in Art Therapy Research and Practice: The Emerging Picture. s. 141-148. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Erkkilä, Jaakko; Rankanen, Mimmu (2020). Kun sanat eivät riitä – luovat terapiat [When words are not enough – art therapies]. Duodecim. Vol. 136.
Huotilainen, Minna;
Rankanen, Mimmu
; Groth, Camilla; Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, Pirita; Mäkelä, Maarit
Why our brain loves arts and crafts: Implications of creative practices on psychophysical well-being.
17 s.
FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk.
Vol. 11.
Rankanen, Mimmu
Clients’ experiences of the impacts of an experiential art therapy group.
The Arts in Psychotherapy.
Vol. 50.
Rankanen, Mimmu
Clients’ positive and negative experiences of experiential art therapy group process.
The Arts in Psychotherapy.
Vol. 41.