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Velina Ninkova

Velina Ninkova



Etnografi   Urfolk   Internasjonal, komparativ utdanning   Urfolksrettigheter   Ontologi   Urfolksmetodologi   Ontologier   Urfolkespråk   Kritisk multikulturell utdanning   Urfolksstudier   Undervisning om urfolk   Urfolkstudier   Jeger -samlere   San

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Hays, Jennifer Lynn; Ninkova, Velina ; Lavi, Noa; Lew-Levy, Sheina; da Silva Macedo, Silvia Lopes; Davis, Helen; Ali, Aishah (2024). Autonomous hunter-gatherer children in hierarchical schools: a review of the literature from the global South. 7 s. Hunter-Gatherer Research. Vol. 10.

Ninkova, Velina ; Hays, Jennifer Lynn; Lavi, Noa; Ali, Aishah; Lopes da Silva Macedo, Silvia; Davis, Helen Elizabeth; Lew-Levy, Sheina (2024). Hunter-Gatherer Children at School: A View From the Global South. Review of Educational Research.

Ninkova, Velina ; Abels, Monika; Kilale, Andrew Martin (2023). Playing, Working, and Learning in Flux: Perspectives from African Post-forager Childhoods. Utsa, Mukherjee (Red.). Childhoods & Leisure. Cross-Cultural and Inter-Disciplinary Dialogues. s. 235-253. Palgrave Macmillan.

Abels, Monika; Ninkova, Velina (2023). Conducting Fieldwork with San and Hadza (Post-)Hunter-Gatherer Communities in Africa: Regulatory and Ethical Issues. 17 s. Trends in Psychology.

Ninkova, Velina (2022). Mother-tongue education for the Omaheke Ju|'hoansi in Namibia: Between policy and practice. Olsen, Torjer Andreas; Sollid, Hilde (Red.). Indigenising Education and Citizenship: Perspectives on Policies and Practices from Sápmi and beyond. s. 237-254. Universitetsforlaget.

Ninkova, Velina ; Paksi, Attila (2022). Learning to aspire, aspiring to subvert: Namibian San youths' narratives about the future as mimetic work of resistance. Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education.

Ninkova, Velina (2022). The state as a whiteman, the whiteman as a /’hun: personhood, recognition, and the politics of knowability in the Kalahari. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Vol. 28.

Ninkova, Velina (2020). Perpetuating the myth of the "wild Bushman": Inclusive multicultural education for the Omaheke Ju|'hoansi in Namibia. Comparative Education Review. Vol. 64.

Hays, Jennifer; Ninkova, Velina ; Dounias, Edmond (2019). Hunter-gatherers and education: Towards a recognition of extreme local diversity and common global challenges. 25 s. Hunter-Gatherer Research. Vol. 5.

Hays, Jennifer; Ninkova, Velina (2018). Vertical and Horizontal Mobility among the Ju|’hoansi of Namibia. Simonsen, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kjersti; Engebrigtsen, Ada I. (Red.). Movement and Connectivity: Configurations of Belonging. s. 99-130. Peter Lang Publishing Group.

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