English version
Christin Thea Wathne

Christin Thea Wathne

Kort om

Dr. Christin Thea Wathne forsker I og forskningsleder for Arbeid, Ledelse og Mestring (ALM). Wathne har en PhD i Kriminologi fra Universitetet i Oslo fra 2015. Hun har arbeidet på Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet (AFI) siden 2001.

Fagområder: sosiologi, styring/ledelse

Forskningsinteresser: politi, ledelse, management, styring, New Public Management, målstyring, arbeidsmiljø, arbeidsliv, mestring, Public Service Motivation, organisasjonslæring, kjønn, medbestemmelse, omstilling, aksjonsforskning





Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Gundhus, Helene Ingebrigtsen; Wathne, Christin Thea ; Kuldova, Tereza Østbø (2024). Introduction to Volume II: Interrogating Cultures of Policing and Intelligence in the Big Data Era. Kuldova, Tereza Østbø; Gundhus, Helene Ingebrigtsen; Wathne, Christin Thea (Red.). Policing and Intelligence in the Global Big Data Era, Volume II: New Global Perspectives on the Politics and Ethics of Knowledge. s. 1-24. Palgrave Macmillan.

Kuldova, Tereza Østbø ; Gundhus, Helene Ingebrigtsen; Wathne, Christin Thea (2024). Policing and Intelligence in the Global Big Data Era, Volume II: New Global Perspectives on the Politics and Ethics of Knowledge. ISBN: 978-3-031-68297-1. 211 s. Palgrave Macmillan.

Kuldova, Tereza Østbø ; Gundhus, Helene Ingebrigtsen; Wathne, Christin Thea (2024). Policing and Intelligence in the Global Big Data Era, Volume I: New Global Perspectives on Algorithmic Governance. ISBN: 978-3-031-68325-1. 254 s. Palgrave Macmillan.

Gundhus, Helene Ingebrigtsen; Wathne, Christin Thea (2024). Diffusion and resistance to intelligence in the Norwegian Police. Rønn, Kira Vrist; Diderichsen, Adam; Hartmann, Mia Koss; Hartvigsen, Melanie (Red.). Intelligence practices in high-trust societies. Scandinavian exceptionalism? . s. 189-200. Routledge.

Gundhus, Helene Ingebrigtsen; Wathne, Christin Thea (2024). Resistance to platformization: Palantir in the Norwegian police. 19 s. Information, Communication & Society.

Drange, Ida ; Falkum, Eivind ; Wathne, Christin Thea (2023). Covid, work reorganisation and trust: the importance of employment relations. 18 s. Labour and Industry.

Gundhus, Helene Ingebrigtsen; Skjevrak, Pernille ; Wathne, Christin (2023). We Will Always Be Better Than a Spreadsheet: Intelligence Logic and Crime Prevention in Practice. European Journal of Policing Studies.

Gundhus, Helene Ingebrigtsen; Talberg, Olav Niri; Wathne, Christin Thea (2022). False Reporting in the Norwegian Police: Analyzing Counter-productive Elements in Performance Management Systems. Criminal Justice Ethics. Vol. 41.

Gundhus, Helene Ingebrigtsen; Talberg, Niri; Wathne, Christin Thea (2022). Investigating at a Distance: Abstractness in Detective Work. Terpstra, Jan; Salet, Renze; Fyfe, Nicholas R. (Red.). The abstract police: Critical reflections on contemporary change in police organisations. s. 103-130. Eleven International Publishing.

Wathne, Christin Thea (2021). Kvinners inntog i politiutdanningen i 1958. Ellefsen, Hjørdis Birgitte; Sørli, Vanja Lundgren; Egge, Marit (Red.). Kunnskap for et tryggere samfunn? Norsk politiutdanning 1920-2020. s. 291-318. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

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