English version
Wenche Lyche

Wenche Lyche



Prosjekterings- og formgivningsmetodikk   Arkitektur- og designteori

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Andreassen, Kristin ; Lyche, Wenche ; Haugen, Sigrid (2019). THE DIGITAL WORKSHOP ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT – STUDENT SHOPPING AMONGST ADVANCED PRODUCTION PROCESSES. von Bohemia, Erik; Kovacevic, Ahmed; Buck, Lyndon; Brisco, Ross; Evans, Dorothy; Grierson, Hilary (Red.). DS 95: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2019), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. 12th -13th September 2019. The Design Society.

Lyche, Wenche ; Berg, Arild ; Andreassen, Kristin (2018). Parametric Design Thinking about Digital and Material Surface Patterns. Bohemia, Erik; Kovacevic, Ahmed; Buck, Lyndon; Childs, Peter; Green, Stephen; Hall, Ashley (Red.). Proceedings of E&PDE 2018 - 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Diversity or Conformity, Dyson School of Engineering, Imperial College, London. 6th - 7th September 2018. s. 306-311. The Design Society.

Lyche, Wenche ; Berg, Arild (2017). Empowerment through Product Design: Digital Textile Pattern Design for Grip Development in Healthcare. Berg, Arild; Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon; Gulden, Tore; Kovacevic, Ahmed; Pavel, Nenad (Red.). Proceedings of E&PDE 2017 - International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Building Community: Design Education for a Sustainable Future . s. 568-573. The Design Society.

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