Marcano disputerer ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (USN), disputasen avholdes på OsloMet.
Hovedveileder er Tiina Komulainen
Biveiledere er Finn Aakre Haugen og Ronny Sannerud
Leder av disputasen er Svein Thore Hagen (representant fra USN)
1. opponent Erik Dahlquist
2. opponent Helge Mordt
3. opponent, administrator for komiteen, Mira Randahl
Prøveforelesning kl. 1000 - 1045.
Laura Marcano oppsummerer doktorgradsprosjektet sitt slik (på engelsk):
This thesis provides additional insights into the field of simulator training.
Although numerous studies have identified how to improve simulator technologies and team training practices, little analytic attention has been paid to how to enable more independent training. In this PhD work, different methodologies and technologies were tested to evaluate their effect on trainees independence during simulator training.
Regarding the methodologies studied, the results show that preparation before attending the simulator training sessions has a positive impact on the trainees’ confident using the simulator. They feel less dependent on the instructor when they prepared for the session. Further, preparation leads to a good performance of the trainees in the pretest, which allows trainees to start the training session more motivated.
In the case of the technologies evaluated, the overall results show that automatic feedback contributes to the improvement of trainees’ performance when using the simulator and helps them feel more confident.
Three different automatic feedback methods were developed, two based on Operator Performance Indicator values and one based on data analysis. All the methods were developed using the dynamic simulator K-Spice, from Kongsberg Digital. The effect of trainees’ preparation before attending the sessions was also evaluated.
The aim was to study whether preparation allows trainees to be more independent and if they request the instructor’s help less often than those who do not prepare do.
The main objective of this PhD thesis was to contribute to a solution to the challenge associated with the deficit of expert instructors in simulator training. Feedback is what makes the instructor so valuable. Therefore, how to deliver useful automatic feedback during simulator training was the main focus of this work.