
Her finner du en oversikt over publikasjoner som bruker NorLAG-data fra 2007–2024.

Les mer om Den norske studien av livsløp, aldring og generasjon (NorLAG).


Uddin, S., & Adhikari, N. (2024). Does social support buffer the effect of negative life events on mental health outcomes? SAGE Open, 14: 1–14 (

Henning, G., Løset, G. K., & Huxhold, O. (2024). Personality and 10-year development among Norwegians in Midlife – Do retirement and job type play a role? Psychology and Aging (online first) (

Nicolaisen, M. & Thorsen, K. (2024). Gender differences in loneliness over time: A 15-year longitudinal study of men and women in the second part of life. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 98(1): 103–132 (  

Sauter, J. (2024). Norwegian biological parents and stepparents’ attitudes towards family obligations in middle and old age. Journal of Family Issues (online first) (    

Stegen, H., Duppen, D., Savieri, P., Stas, L., Pan, H., Aarsten, M., Callewaert, H., Dierckx, E., & De Donder, L. (2024). Loneliness prevalence of community-dwelling older adults and the impact of the mode of measurement, data collection, and country: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Psychogeriatrics (


Adhikari, N. & Uddin, S. (2023). Health inequalities in older Norwegians and the mediating role of social networks. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 97, 202–228 (

Hellevik, T., Herlofson, K. & Pedersen, A. W. (2023). Hvordan måle tidspunkt for avgang fra yrkeslivet i Norge? Om ulike definisjoner, metoder og resultater. Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 40(1) (  

Herlofson, K., Hellevik, T., Pedersen, A. W. & Solem, P. E. (red.) (2023). Veier ut av arbeidslivet. Senkarrierer og yrkesavgang. NOVA rapport nr. 3/23 (  

Herlofson, K. & Veenstra, M. (2023). Livsløpsoverganger i eldre år. Betydningen av kjønn og sosioøkonomisk status. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 26(1) (  

Løset, G. K. & von Soest, T. (2023). Big five personality traits and physician-certified sickness absence. European Journal of Personality, 7: 239–253 (  

Nicolaisen, M., Pripp, A. H. & Thorsen, K. (2023). Why not lonely? A longitudinal study of factors related to loneliness and non-loneliness in different age groups among people in the second part of life. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 97: 157–187 (

Vangen, H. & Herlofson, K. (2023). Why care? How filial responsibility norms and relationship quality matter for subsequent provision of care to ageing parents. Ageing & Society (    


Deeg, D. J. H., Blekesaune, M. & de Wind, A. (2022). Employment trends at older ages: policy impact or secular change? ( European Journal of Ageing, 19: 689–698.

Hansen, T. & Blekesaune, M. (2022). The age and well-being “paradox”: a longitudinal and multi-dimensional reconsideration ( European Journal of Ageing, 19: 1277–1286.

Le, G., & Aartsen, M. (2022). Understanding volunteering intensity in older volunteers. Ageing & Society (

Løset, G. K., Hellevik, T. & von Soest, T. (2022). Basic human values and sick leave: a study combining two-wave survey data with longitudinal register data ( Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 63: 658–669.

Saeed N., Norekvål T. M., Steiro O., et al. (2022). Predictors of long-term symptom burden and quality of life in patients hospitalised with chest pain: a prospective observational study ( BMJ Open, 12: e062302.      

Veenstra, M. & Aartsen, M. (2022). Life-course income trajectories of men and women in Norway: implications for self-rated health in later life ( European Journal of Public Health, 32: 542–547.


Blekesaune, M. & Hansen, T. (2021). Human values and retirement experiences: a longitudinal analysis of Norwegian data ( Social Indicators Research, 157: 1001–1019.   

Herlofson, K., Hellevik, T. & Daatland, S.O. (2021). Intergenerational family relationships in Norway. I Albert, I. et al. (red.) Families and family values in society and culture, s. 309–328. Information Age Publishing.

Onstad, O. U., Joranger, P. & Hansen, T. (2021). Nye eldre – nye former for frivillighet? Frivillighetsmønstre og motivbegrunnelser sett i lys av endringer i verdier, utdanningsnivå og mestring ( Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 24: 89–104.

Slagsvold, B. & Hansen, T. (2021). The baby-boomer generation. Another breed of elderly people? I Falch-Eriksen, A. et al. (red.) Generational tensions and solidarity within advanced welfare states, s. 153–172.  

Vangen, H. (2021). The impact of informal caregiving on labour supply before and after a parent’s death ( Journal of Population Ageing, 14: 201–228. 

Vangen, H., Hellevik, T. & Herlofson, K. (2021). Associations between paid and unpaid work among Norwegian seniors: competition, complementarity or continuity? ( European Journal of Ageing, 18: 479–489.

Veenstra, M., Daatland, S. O. & Aartsen, M. (2021). The role of subjective age in sustaining wellbeing and health in the second half of life ( Ageing & Society, 41: 2446–2466.    

Veenstra, M., Løset, G. K. & Daatland, S. O. (2021). Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality after age 67: The contribution of psychological factors ( Frontiers in Psycholog, 12, art. 17959.

Veenstra, M., Herlofson, K., Aartsen, M., Hansen, T., Hellevik, T., Henriksen, G., Løset, G. K. & Vangen, H. (2021). Cohort Profile: The Norwegian life course, ageing and generation study (NorLAG) ( International Journal of Epidemiology. 

Vigdal, Ø. N., Storheim, K., Killingmo, M. K., Småstuen, M. C. & Grotle, M. (2021). Characteristics of older adults with back pain associated with choice of first primary care provider: a cross-sectional analysis from the BACE-N cohort study ( BMJ Open, 11: e053229.

Waldegrave, C., Aartsen, M., Lowenstein, A. et al. (2021). Conflicting relations, abuse and discrimination experienced by older adults. I Walsh, K. et al. (red.) Social exclusion in later life. Interdisciplinary and policy perspectives, s. 119–132. Springer (


Grøtting, M. W. & Lillebø, O. (2020). Health effects of retirement: Evidence from survey and register data. Journal of Population Economics (, 33: 671–704.  

Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2020). Refleksiv frivillighet i en norsk kontekst – om eldres deltakelse, motivasjon og potensiale ( Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning, 23(1): 4–19.  

Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2020). An “army of volunteers”? Engagement, motivation, and barriers to volunteering among the Baby Boomers ( Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 63(4): 335–353.

Hellevik, T. & Herlofson, K. (2020). 67+ and still working. The importance of earlier job situation and retirement plans for extended careers ( Nordisk Välfärdsforskning/Nordic Welfare Research, 5(2): 95–108.

Herlofson, K. & Brandt, M. (2020). Helping older parents in Europe: The importance of grandparenthood, gender and care regime. European Societies, 22(3): 390–410. 

Nicolaisen, M., Strand, B. H., & Thorsen, K. (2020). Aging with a physical disability, duration of disability, and life satisfaction: A 5-year longitudinal study among people aged 40 to 79 years ( The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 9: 253–273.

Ormstad, H., Eilertsen, G., Heir, T., & Sandvik, L. (2020). Personality traits and the risk of becoming lonely in old age: A 5-year follow-up study ( Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 18: 1–5.

Von Soest, T., Luhmann, M., Hansen, T. & Gerstorf, D. (2020). Development of loneliness in midlife and old age: Its nature and correlates ( Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118: 388–406.


Enroth, L., Veenstra, M., Aartsen, M., Kjær, A. A., Nilsson, C. J. & Fors, S. (2019). Are there educational disparities in health and functioning among the oldest old? Evidence from the Nordic countries ( European Journal of Ageing, 16: 415–424.

Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2019). Et Øst-Vest skille for eldres livskvalitet i Europa? En sammenligning av ensomhet og depressive symptomer i 12 land. Nordisk Østforum, 33: 74–90. 

Hart, R. K. (2019). Union histories of dissolution: What can they say about childlessness? ( European Journal of Population, 35(1): 101–131. 

Herlofson, K., Daatland, S. O. & Veenstra, M. (2019). Generasjoner imellom: Holdninger til familiens ansvar øst og vest i Europa. Nordisk Østforum, 33: 34–53.

Herlofson, K. & Hellevik, T. (2019). Eldre i arbeidslivet – slitenhet og yrkesavgang ( Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 4(36): 298–315. 

Onozaka, Y. & Hafzi, K. (2019). Household production in an egalitarian society ( Social Forces, 97(3): 1127–1154.


Hansen, T., Aartsen, M., Slagsvold, B. & Deindl, C. (2018). Dynamics of volunteering and life satisfaction in midlife and old age: Findings from 12 European countries ( Social Sciences, 7: 78. 

Nicolaisen, M., Moum, T. & Thorsen, K. (2018). Mastery and depressive symptoms: How does mastery influence the impact of stressors from midlife to old age? ( Journal of Aging and Health, 30(7): 1084–1107.  

Nordfjærn, T. (2018). Religiosity and alcohol use: Is religiosity important for abstention and consumption levels in the second half of life? ( Substance Use & Misuse, 53(14): 2271–2280.

von Soest, T., Wagner, J., Hansen, T. & Gerstorf, D. (2018). Self-esteem across the second half of life: The role of socioeconomic status, physical health, social relationships, and personality factors ( Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114: 945–958.   


Aartsen, M., Veenstra, M. & Hansen, T. (2017). Social pathways to health: On the mediating role of the social network in the relation between socioeconomic position and health ( Social Science & Medicine: Population Health, 3: 419–426.  

Andresen, I. H., Hansen, T. & Grov, E. (2017). Norwegian nurses’ quality of life, satisfaction with job, and their intention to change job – a study based on the LOGG data ( Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 37(2): 90–99. 

Brunborg, G. S. (2017). Positive and negative affectivity as risk factors for heavy drinking in the second half of life: A prospective cohort study ( Addiction, 112(5): 801–807. 

Dommermuth, L., Hohmann-Marriott, B. & Lappegård, T. (2017). Gender equality in the Family and childbearing ( Journal of Family Issues, 38(3): 1803–1824. 

Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2017). The East-West divide in late-life depression: Results from the Generations and Gender Survey ( Scandinavian Psychologist, 4, e4.  

Hansen, T., Slagsvold, B. & Veenstra, M. (2017). Educational inequalities in late-life depression across Europe. Results from the Generations and Gender Survey ( European Journal of Ageing, 14(4): 407–418.

Hart, R. K., Lyngstad, T. H. & Vinberg, E. (2017). Children and union dissolution across four decades: Evidence from Norway ( European Sociological Review, 33(2): 317–331.  

Nicolaisen, M. & Thorsen (2017). What are friends for? Friendships and loneliness over the lifespan-from 18 to 79 years ( International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 84(2): 126–158.  

Slagsvold, B. & Hansen, T. (2017). Morgendagens eldre: Betydningen av økt utdanning for mental helse. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 55(1): 36–45.  

Syse, A., Veenstra, M., Furunes, T., Mykletun, R. & Solem, P.E. (2017). Changes in health and health behavior associated with retirement ( Journal of Aging and Health, 29(1): 99–127.  

Wiik, K. A. & Bernhart, E. (2017). Cohabiting and married individuals’ relations with their partner’s parents ( Journal of Marriage and Family, 79: 1111–1124. 


Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2016). Late-life loneliness in 11 European countries: Results from the Generations and Gender Survey ( Social Indicators Research, 129: 445–464. 

Hart, R. K. & Lyngstad, T. H. (2016). Individualiserte livsløp? Et sekvensanalytisk blikk på samlivene til norske menn og kvinner født 1927–1966 ( Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning, 2: 135–166.  

Nyberg, T. E., Grøgaard, J. B. & Arntzen, A. (2016). Påvirker sosial kapital kommunale styringsprestasjoner i Norge? ( Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning, 4(56): 397–435.

Solem, P. E., Syse, A., Furunes, T. & Mykletun, R. J. (2016). To leave or not to leave: Retirement intentions and retirement behaviour ( Ageing & Society, 36(2): 259–281.  


Blekesaune, M. (2015). Can self-enhancement values predict retirement behavior? An analysis combining survey and register data from Norway ( International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 80(2): 101–114.  

Brunborg, G.S. & Østhus, S. (2015). Alcohol in the second half of life: Do usual quantity and frequency of drinking to intoxication increase with increased drinking frequency? ( Addiction, 110(2): 308–314.

Dommermuth, L, Hohmann-Marriott, B. & Lappegård, T. (2015). Gender equality in the family and childbearing ( Journal of Family Issues, 38(13): 1803–1824.  

Dommermuth, L., Klobas, J. & Lappegård, T. (2015). Realization of fertility intentions by different time frames ( Advances in Life Course Research, 24: 34–46.  

Hamre, K. & Ugreninov, E. (2015). Døtre i skvis mellom arbeid og foreldreomsorg – er det noen sammenheng mellom omsorgsforpliktelser og sykefravær? Sosiologi i dag, 45(3): 46–67.  

Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2015). Feeling the squeeze? The effects of combining work and informal caregiving on psychological well-being ( European Journal of Ageing, 12(1): 51–60.

Herlofson, K. (2015). Lengre liv, nye hjelpemønstre i familien? Sosiologi i dag, 45(3): 24–45.  

Nordfjærn, T. & Brunborg, G. S. (2015). Associations between human values and alcohol consumption among Norwegians in the second half of life ( Substance Use & Misuse, 50(10): 1284–1293. 


Barstad, A. (2014). Equality is bliss? Relationship quality and the gender division of household labor ( Journal of Family Issues, 35(7): 972–992.

Bay, A. H., Pedersen, A. W. & Finseraas, H. (2014). Comfort in numbers? Social integration and political participation among disability benefit recipients in Norway ( European Journal of Social Security, 16(4): 290–307. 

Bergland, A., Nicolaisen, M. & Thorsen, K. (2014). Predictors of subjective age in people aged 40−79 years: a five-year follow-up study. The impact of mastery, mental and physical health( Aging & Mental Health, 18(5): 653–661. 

Herlofson, K. & Ugreninov, E. (2014). Er omsorgsfulle fedre omsorgsfulle sønner? Likestilling hjemme og hjelp til eldre foreldre. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 55(3): 321–346.  

Nicolaisen, M. & Thorsen, K. (2014). Who are the lonely? Loneliness in different age groups (18-81 years old) using two measures of loneliness ( The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 78(3): 229–257.

Nicolaisen, M. & Thorsen, K. (2014). Loneliness among men and women – a five-year follow-up study ( Aging & Mental Health, 18(2): 194–206.

Skirbekk, V. & Blekesaune, M. (2014). Personality traits increasingly important for male fertility: Evidence from Norway ( European Journal of Personality, 28(6): 521–529.

Syse, A., Solem, P. E., Ugreninov, E., Mykletun, R. J. & Furunes, T. (2014). Do spouses coordinate their work exits? A combined survey and register analysis from Norway- ( Research on Aging, 36(5): 625–650.


Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2013). The psychological effects of providing personal care to a partner: A multidimensional perspective. Health Psychology Research, 1(2): 126−134.   

Herlofson, K. (2013). How gender and generation matter. Examples from research on divorced parents and adult children ( Families, Relationships and Societies, 2(1): 45−62.  

Noack, T., Bernhardt, E. & W., K. Aa. (2013). Cohabitation or marriage? Preferred living arrangements in the West. In A. A. J. Walker (Ed.), Contemporary issues in family studies: Global perspectives on partnerships, parenting, and support in a changing world. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.  

Slagsvold, B. & Sørensen, A. M. (2013). Changes in sense of control in the second half of life: Results from a 5-year panel study. International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 77(4): 289–308.  

Ugreninov, E. (2013). Offspring in squeeze: Health and sick leave absence among middle-aged informal caregivers ( Journal of Population Ageing, 6(4): 323–338. 

Kitterød, R. H. & Rønsen, M. (2013). Opting out? Who are the housewives in contemporary Norway? ( European Sociological Review, 29(6): 1266–1279.


Blekesaune, M. (2012). Kan personlighet predikere sykefravær? Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(1): 2–10.  

Blekesaune, M. (2012). Kjønnsroller og uførepensjonering. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 53(1): 33–48.  

Blekesaune, M. & Skirbekk, V. (2012). Can personality predict retirement behaviour? A longitudinal analysis combining survey and register data from Norway ( European Journal of Ageing, 9(3): 199–206. 

Daatland, S. O., Veenstra, M. & Herlofson, K. (2012). Age and intergenerational attitudes in the family and the welfare state ( Advances in Life Course Research, 17(3): 133–144.  

Daatland, S. O., Veenstra, M., & Herlofson, K. (2012). Egeninteresse eller altruisme? Alder og holdninger til familien og velferdsstaten. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(3): 151–167.  

Finseraas, H., Jakobsson, N., & Kotsadam, A. (2012). The gender gap in political preferences: An empirical test of a political economy explanation ( Social Politics, 19(2): 219−242.  

Furunes, T., Mykletun, R. J. & Solem, P. E. (2012). How do different exit routes from work affect older workers’s self-esteem? I S. d. Wals & K. Meszaros (Eds.), Handbook on Psychology of Self-Esteem (s. 325–337). New York: Nova Science Publishers.  

Hansen, T., Slagsvold, B., & Ingebretsen, R. (2012). The strains and gains of caregiving: An examination of the effects of providing personal care to a parent on a range of psychological outcomes ( Social Indicators Research, 94(2): 343–362. 

Hansen, T., Slagsvold, B. & Ingebretsen, R. (2012). Å gi personlig pleie til foreldre: Går det ut over psykisk velvære? Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(3): 176–192.  

Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2012). The age and subjective well-being paradox revisited: A multidimensional perspective ( Norsk Epidemiologi, 22(2): 187–195.  

Herlofson, K., & Hagestad, G. O. (2012). Transformations in the role of grandparents across welfare states. In S. Arber & V. Timonen (red.), Contemporary grandparenting. Changing family relationships in global contexts (s. 27–49). Bristol: The Policy Press.  

Jakobsson, N., Hansen, T., & Kotsadam, A. (2012). Er det en sammenheng mellom formell og uformell omsorg i Norge? Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 17(3): 22–29. 

Kitterød, R. H., & Lappegård, T. (2012). A typology of work-family arrangements among dual-earner couples in Norway ( Family Relations, 61(4): 671–685.  

Kotsadam, A. (2012). The employment costs of caregiving in Norway ( International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 12(4): 269−283.  

Kotsadam, A., & Jakobsson, N. (2012). Uformell eldreomsorg – et hinder for kvinner på arbeidsmarkedet? Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 29(1-2): 97-110.  

Nicolaisen, M., & Thorsen, K. (2012). Impairments, mastery, and loneliness: A prospective study of loneliness among older adults ( Norsk Epidemiologi, 22(2): 143–150.  

Nicolaisen, M., Thorsen, K., & Eriksen, S. (2012). Jump into the void? Factors related to a preferred retirement age: Gender, social interests, and leisure activities ( International Journal of Ageing and Human Development, 75(3): 239–271.

Næss, S., & Hansen, T. (2012). Naturelskere og naturbrukere. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 53(4): 405–428.  

Seippel, Ø. (2012). Venner, foreninger eller bosted? Om ulike typer av sosial kapital og deres betydning for livskvalitet. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(3): 222–236.  

Solem, P. E. (2012). Endring i husarbeid, fritidsaktiviteter og frivillig arbeid etter yrkesavgang. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(3): 207–221.  

Slagsvold, B., Veenstra, M., Daatland, S. O., Hagestad, G., Hansen, T., Herlofson, K., Koløen, K. & Solem, P. E. (2012). Life-course, ageing and generations in Norway: The NorLAG study ( Norsk Epidemiologi, 22(2): 95–102. 

Ugreninov, E. (2012). Fører kombinasjonen av yrkesaktivitet og omsorg for hjelpetrengende foreldre til høyt sykefravær? Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 15(3): 192–207.  

Veenstra, M., & Syse, A. (2012). Health behaviour changes and onset of chronic health problems in later life ( Norsk Epidemiologi, 22(2): 135–142. 

Wiik, K. A., Keizer, R. & Lappegård, T. (2012). Relationship quality in marital and cohabiting unions across Europe ( Journal of Marriage and Family, 74(3): 389–398.


Daatland, S. O., Herlofson, K. & Lima, I. A. (2011). Balancing generations: On the strength and character of family norms in the West and East of Europe ( Ageing and Society, 31(7): 1159–1179.  

Dommermuth, L., Klobas, J., & Lappegård, T. (2011). Now or later? The Theory of Planned Behavior and timing of fertility intentions ( Advances in Life Course Research, 16(1): 42–53.

Engvik, H., & Clausen, S. E. (2011). Norsk kortversjon av Big Five Inventory (BFI-20). Tidsskrift for norsk psykologforening, 48(9): 869–872.  

Hansen, T. & Slagsvold, B. (2011). Alder. In S. Næss, T. Moum & J. Eriksen (Eds.), Livskvalitet. Forskning om det gode liv (s. 137–154). Oslo: Fagbokforlaget.  

Herlofson, K. & Hagestad, G. O. (2011). Challenges in moving from macro to micro: Population and family structures in ageing societies. Demographic Research, 25: 337–370.  

Kotsadam, A. & Finseraas, H. (2011). The state intervenes in the battle of the sexes: Causal effects of paternity leave ( Social Science Research, 40(6): 1611−1622. 

Solem, P. E. (2011). Ageing and social participation. I L. Larsen (red.), Geropsychology. The psychology of the ageing person (s. 97–122). Århus: Aarhus University Press.  


Bergland, A., Thorsen, K. & Loland, N. W. (2010). The relationship between coping, self-esteem and health on outdoor walking ability among older adults in Norway ( Ageing & Society, 30: 949–963.  

Blekesaune, M. & Veenstra, M. (2010). Helsesvikt og pensjoneringsatferd. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 13(2): 83–94.  

Daatland, S. O., Veenstra, M. & Lima, I. A. (2010). Norwegian sandwiches: On the prevalence and consequences of family and work role squeezes over the life course ( European Journal of Ageing, 7(4):271–281.


Hansen, T., Slagsvold, B. & Moum, T. (2009). Childlessness and psychological well-being in midlife and old age: An examination of parental status effects across a range of outcomes ( Social Indicators Research, 94: 343–362.

Daatland, Svein Olav (2009). How to balance generations: Solidarity dilemmas in a European perspective. I R. Edmondson & H. J. von Kondratowitz (red.) Valuing Older People. A Humanist Approach to Ageing (s. 123–138). Policy Press.


Hansen, H., Slagsvold, B. & Moum, T. (2008). Financial satisfaction in old age: A satisfaction paradox or a result of accumulated wealth? ( Social Indicators Research, 89: 323–347. 

Slagsvold, B. & Sørensen, A. (2008). Age, education, and the gender gap in the sense of control ( The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 67(1): 25–42. 

Solem, P. E. (2008).  Age changes in subjective work ability. The International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 3(2): 43–70.


Daatland, S. O. (2007). Marital history and intergenerational solidarity: The impact of divorce and unmarried cohabitation. Journal of Social Issues, 63(4): 809–825.