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Felles pensum (348 s.)
- Burrage, M. (1993) From practice to school-based professional education: patterns of conflict accommodation in England, France, and the United States. I: S. Rothblatt & B. Wittrock (Eds.), The European and American university since 1800, s. 142-187. Cambridge: Cambridge: University Press. (45 s.)
- Davies, M. (1991): “Thinking like an Engineer: The Place of a Code of Ethics in the Practice of a Profession”, Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 20. No 2, s. 150-167. (17 sider)
- Dzur, A. W. (2004) Democratic Professionalism: Sharing Authority in Civic Life. Good Society, Vol. 13, No. 1. (10 sider)
- Evetts, J. (2011). A new professionalism? Challenges and opportunities. Current sociology, 59(4), 406-422 (16 sider)
- Fenwick, T., Nerland, M. & Jensen, K. (2012) Sociomaterial approaches to conceptualising professional learning and practice, Journal of Education and Work, 25:1, 1-13. (13 sider)
- Gilje, N. Profesjonskunnskapens elementære former (2017). I: Mausethagen, S. og Smeby, J.C. (red.), Kvalifisering til profesjonell yrkesutøvelse. Universitetsforlaget: Oslo. (12 s.)
Kocka, J, (1990) ‘Bürgertum’ and professions in the nineteenth century: two alternative approaches. Professions in theory and history. Ed. M. Burrage/R. Torstendahl. s. 62-74. London: Sage. (12 sider) - Krause, Elliott A (1999): “Introduction: Guild Power and the Theory of Professions”, og ”Conclusion: Guild Powers and Social Change”, I Death of the Guilds: Professions, States, and the Advance of Capitalism, 1930 to the Present: 1—28 og 280—286 [36 s.]
- Krause, Monika (2021): «Introduction” (s. 1-9) og kapittel 1, «Material Research Objects and Privileged Material Research Objects” (s. 14-32), i Model Cases: On Canonical Research Objects and Sites. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (38 s.)
- Larson, M. S. (1977) The Rise of Professionalism, Berkley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. s. 40-52. (12 sider)
- LeGrand, J. (2010) Knights and knaves return: public service motivation and the delivery of public services. International public management journal, 13 (1). s. 56-71. (15 sider)
- Liodden, Tone Maia. 2020. «Who Is a Refugee? Uncertainty and Discretion in Asylum Decisions». International Journal of Refugee Law 32(4):645–67. (22 s.)
- Lipsky, M. (1977) Toward a Theory of Street-Level Bureaucracy. Hawley, W and Lipsky, M (eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Urban Politics, Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall. s. 196-213. (17 sider)
- Lund, Ellen Cathrine (2012), «Profesjonell status», i Virke og profesjon. Norsk Sykepleierforbund gjennom 100 år (1912—2012), Oslo, Akribe 2012: 55-70 [16 s.]
- Mausethagen, Sølvi & Lise Granlund (2012), Contested discourses of teacher professionalism: current tensions between education policy and teachers’ union, Journal of Education Policy 27 (2012), 6: 815—833 [18 s.]
- Parsons, T, (1978) “Research with Human Subjects and the ‘Professional Complex’”, i Parsons, Action Theory and the Human Condition, New York: The Free Press. s. 35-50 (15 sider)
- Siegrist, H. (1990) Professionalization as a process: patterns, progression and discontinuity. Professions in theory and history. Ed. Burrage/Torstendahl. London: Sage. (24 sider)
- Zerubavel, Eviatar (2021): “Generalizing” (s. 13-22) i Generally Speaking: An Invitation to Concept-Driven Sociology. New York: Oxford University Press (10 s.)
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