Forskningsetikk handler om etiske spørsmål som oppstår i forskning, og hvordan forskere kan opptre forsvarlig på basis av retningslinjer, normer og regler.
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Dette emnet er primært for studenter som er tatt opp i et ph.d.-program. Ved ledige plasser er emnet åpent for andre interesserte med relevant hovedfag eller mastergrad (120 ECTS).
Høsten 2025
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Totalt: ca. 364 sider
- The European code of conduct for research integrity (2003), All European Academies (ALLEA)
- De Vries, R. G., Rott, L. M., & Paruchuri, Y. (2010). “Normative environments of international science.” In M. S. Anderson & N. H. Steneck (eds.), International research collaborations. Much to be gained, many ways to get in trouble. Routledge. (16 pages)
- Douglas, H. (2008). The role of values in expert reasoning. Public Affairs Quarterly 22(1), 1-18. (18 pages)
- General guidelines (2019), National research ethics committees
- Living guidelines on the responsible use of generative AI in research, ERA Forum Stakeholders’ document, The European Commission
- Hoecht, A. (2021). “Chapter 9: Trust, control, and responsibility in research – An accountability perspective.” In P. Gibbs & P. Massen (eds.), Trusting in Higher Education
- A multifaceted discussion of trust in and for higher education in Norway and the United Kingdom (133-144). Springer. (11 pages)
- Thomas-Hughes, H. (2018) “Ethical ‘mess’ in co-produced research: reflections from a U.K.-based case study.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(2), 231-242. (11 pages)
- Israel, M. (2015). Research ethics and integrity for social scientists: Beyond regulatory compliance. Sage. Chapters 5 and 10. (33 pages)
- Kvale, L., & Pharo, N. (2020). “Understanding the Data Management Plan as a boundary object through a multi-stakeholder perspective.” International Journal of Digital Curation, 15(1). (16 pages)
- Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in Sciences and Technology (2016). “Guidelines for Research Ethics in Science and Technology” (2nd ed). (24 pages)
- Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (2021). “Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities” (5th ed). (36 pages)
- Nelson, D. K., & Forster, D. (2021). “Guidelines, codes, and regulations.” In A. S. Iltis & D. MacKay (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Research Ethics. (21 pages).
- Tiidenberg, J. (2020). “Research ethics, vulnerability, and trust on the internet.” In J. Hunsinger et al. (eds.), Second International Handbook of Internet Research. (14 pages)
- Shamoo, A.E., & Resnik, D.B. (2022). Responsible conduct of research. 4th ed. Oxford University Press. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 12. (136 pages)
- World Medical Association (2013). Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. (10th ed). (4 pages).
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