Helse- og sosialarbeidere må ofte fatte vanskelige etiske beslutninger. Dette emnet utforsker ulike teoretiske og praktiske tilnærminger til etisk beslutningsfatning i helse- og sosialarbeid
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Dette emnet er primært for studenter som er tatt opp i et ph.d.-program. Ved ledige plasser er emnet åpent for andre interesserte med relevant hovedfag eller mastergrad (120 ECTS).
Høsten 2025
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Antall sider: 356
- Beauchamp, T.L: “The Four-Principle Approach to Healthcare Ethics”, i R. E. Ashcroft, A. Dawson, H. Draper (red.), Principles of Health Care Ethics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (2007), s. 3-7.
- Beauchamp, T.L:”Autonomy and Consent”, i F.G. Miller & A. Wertheimer (red.), The Ethics of Consent, NY: Oxford University press (2010), s. 55-78.
- Bok, S: “Lying and Lies to the Sick and Dying” I C. Martin, W. Vaught & R. Solomon (red.), Ethics Across the Professions, New York: Oxford University press (2010), s. 181-191.
- Childress, J.F.: “Paternalism in Health Care and Health Policy”, i R. E. Ashcroft, A. Dawson, H. Draper (red.), Principles of Health Care Ethics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (2007), s. 223-229.
- Crook, M.A.: “The Risks of Absolute Medical Confidentiality”, Sci Eng Ethics (2013), 19, s. 107-122.
- Davis, N.A: “Moral Dilemmas”, i R.G. Frey & C.H. Wellman (red.), A Companion to Ethics, Blackwell Publishing Ltd (2003), s. 487-497.
- Dworkin, D: Theory, Practice and Moral Reasoning”, i D. Copp (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (2006), s. 624-644.
- Gardener, P: “A Virtue Ethics Approach to Moral Dilemmas in Medicine,” Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (2003), s. 297-302.
- Gibson, K. “Contrasting Role Morality and Professional Morality: Implications for Practice”, Journal of Applied Philosophy (2003), 20(1), s. 19-29.
- Gold, C, Chambers, J & Dvorak, E.M: “Ethical Dilemmas in the Lived Experience of Nursing Practice”, Nursing Ethics (1995), 2, s. 131-142.
- Gordon, J.S., Rauprich, O & Vollmann, J: “Applying the Four-Principle Approach”, Bioethics 25(6), s. 293-300.
- Jenkins, K, Kinsella, E.A., & DeLuca, S: “Perspectives on Phronesis in Professional Nursing Practice”, Nursing Philosophy (2019), 20, s. 1-8.
- Kipnis, K: “A Defense of Unqualified Medical Confidentiality”, The American Journal of Bioethics (2006), 6(2), s. 7-18.
- LaFollette, H: “Theorizing about Ethics”, Vallentyne, P: “Consequentialism, McNaughton, D & Rawling, P: “Deontology”, Hursthouse, R: “Virtue Theory”, alle i H. LaFollette (red.), Ethics in Practice, Blackwell Publishing Ltd (2007) s. 3-55.
- Lånkan, Kjersti Blehr og Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud (2022): "TV Inside the Psychiatric Hospital: Patient Experiences". International Journal of Communication (16), s 130-147.
- Magelssen, M: “When Should Conscientious Objection be Accepted?”, Journal of Medical Ethics, 38(1), s. 18-21.
- Making Choices: A Framework for Making Ethical Decisions. From: Ethical Awareness in International Collaborations: A Contextual Approach (brown.edu). 11 sider.
- Matusek, J.A & O’Dougherty Wright, M: “Ethical Dilemmas in Treating Clients with Eating Disorders: A Review and Application of an Integrative Ethical Decision-Making Model”, Eur. Eat. Disorders Rev (2010), 18, 434-452.
- McComb, L: “Ethical Dilemmas in Power and Authority: A Social Work Student Confronts Her Own Power”, Ethics and Social Welfare (2020), 14(4), s. 425-431.
- Meyers, C: “Professional Ethics”, i H. LaFolette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2013), s. 1-14.
- Miner, M & Petocz: “Moral Theory in Ethical Decision Making: Problems and Recommendations from a Psychological Perspective”, Journal of Business Ethics (2003), 42, s. 11-25.
- Savulescu, J: “Conscientious Objection in Medicine”, BMJ (2006), 332
- Tännsjö, T. “Context Dependent Preferences and the Right to Forgo Life-Saving Treatment,” Social Theory and Practice, 41(4), s. 716-733.
- Thomson, J.J: “The Trolley Problem” , Yale Law Journal 94(6): 1395-1415.
- Wester, G: “Conscientious Objection by Health Care Professionals”, Philosophy Compass (2015), 1087, s. 427-437.
- Wilkins, D: “Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work Practice with Disabled People: Young Adults with Autism”, Ethics and Social Welfare (2012), 6(1), s. 97-105.
- Williston, B: “Blaiming Agents in Moral Dilemmas”, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 9 (2006), s. 563-576.
Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur: Beauchamp, T.L & Childress, J, F (2019). Principles of Biomedical Ethics (8th edition).
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