Kort om
I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the Oslo Business School, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet). Prior to joining OsloMet, I obtained a PhD in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley in 2017.
My fields of research are development economics and applied microeconomics. My research aims to understand the challenges confronting households and enterprises in low-income countries, and the policies and interventions that work well to address these challenges. I investigate these issues empirically using both experiments and quasi-experiments.
Much of my previous research has been carried out in India, where I have conducted extensive fieldwork. The research questions I have examined in this context include: the impact of droughts on rural households' food consumption and nutrition, the efficacy of financial education in improving savings and other financial outcomes among the poor, and the effect of early marriage on women's political participation.
For more information about my research and ongoing projects, please visit my website: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~fcarpena/
Aktive forskningsprosjekter
Heterogene investorer og aktivaallokeringer
I dette prosjektet undersøker vi hvordan norske husholdninger respondere på endringer i pengepolitikken, sammen med variasjonen i aktivaallokering.
Kan ansvarlige investeringer gi bærekraftig forretningsatferd?
I dette forskningsprosjektet vil forskerne undersøke om ansvarlige investeringsstrategier betyr at bedriftene tar hensyn til miljø, sosiale forhold og eierstyring (ESG) i bedriftens beslutninger.
Tyfoners effekter på bedrifter i Filippinene (TEMPEST)
TEMPEST har som mål å bedre forstå de økonomiske effektene av tyfoner.