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Katja-Maria Prexl

Katja-Maria Prexl

Kort om

Katja-Maria er en anerkjent akademiker med en felles doktorgrad fra Zeppelin University (Tyskland), Aarhus University (Danmark) og Exeter University (Storbritannia), samt en fast gjesteprofessorstilling i entreprenørskap ved bl.a. mAHS (Tyskland). Hennes forskning fokuserer på individuell absorpsjonskapasitet, innovasjon, entreprenøriell feilslutning og sirkularitet. Med omfattende erfaring i ledelsen av internasjonale startups, utmerker hun seg i å blande vitenskapelige innsikter med strategiske forretningspraksiser.

Bridging science and business to co-create the future!

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Laudien, Sven M.; Heinrichs, Bettina; Prexl, Katja-Maria ; Breunig, Karl Joachim (2024). Veganism as Factor Influencing the Diffusion of Nourishing Cosmetics Products. LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications - Tutkimusraportit.

Gonera, Antje; Milford, Anna Birgitte; Prexl, Katja-Maria ; Berget, Ingunn; Varela-Tomasco, Paula Alejandra (2023). Design-led innovation for more plant-based food: An interdisciplinary approach to more consumer-centric product development. International Journal of Food Design.

Gonera, Antje; Milford, Anna Birgitte; Prexl, Katja-Maria ; Romm, Jonathan; Berget, Ingunn; Varela, Paula (2023). Design-led innovation for more plant-based food: An interdisciplinary approach to more consumer-centric product development. 27 s. International Journal of Food Design. Vol. 9.

Gonera, Antje; Svanes, Erik; Bugge, Annechen Bahr ; Hatlebakk, Malin Myrset; Prexl, Katja-Maria ; Ueland, Øydis (2021). Moving Consumers along the Innovation Adoption Curve: A New Approach to Accelerate the Shift toward a More Sustainable Diet. Sustainability. Vol. 13.

Prexl, Katja-Maria ; Gonera, Antje (2021). Understanding new corporate innovation strategies: Hybrid high-involvement approaches and the increasing importance of individual absorptive capacity. 27 s. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. Vol. 25.

Prexl, Katja-Maria ; Hubert, Marco; Hubert, Mirja; Gonera, Antje (2020). EXPLORING THE INDIVIDUAL: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION OF INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DIMENSIONS OF ABSORPTIVE CAPACITY. International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 24.

Gonera, Antje; Prexl, Katja-Maria (2019). Increasing Openness in Industry-Academia Collaboration through Cocreation and experience-based Working. WOIC, 2019 (Red.). 6th Annual World Open Innovation Conference. University of California Press.

Prexl, Katja-Maria (2019). Hybrid High-Involvement in Marketing and Communication: How to Enable a Start-up Culture in Corporations to Enhance Innovation. Transfer Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement. Vol. 65.

Prexl, Katja-Maria (2019). The intrapreneurship reactor: how to enable a start-up culture in corporations. E & I. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik. Vol. 136.

Prexl, Katja-Maria ; Hubert, Marco; Beck, Susanne; Heiden, Christian; Prugl, Reinhard (2019). Identifying and analysing the drivers of heterogeneity among ecosystem builder accelerators. R&D Management. Vol. 49.

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