English version
Maren Ranhoff Hov

Maren Ranhoff Hov

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Emma, Christensen; Bugge, Helge Fagerheim; Hagemo, Jostein Skjalg; Larsen, Karianne; Harring, Astrid Karina V. ; Gleditsch, Jostein; Ibsen, Jørgen; Guterud, Mona; Sandset, Else Charlotte; Hov, Maren Ranhoff (2024). Prehospital stroke diagnostics using three different simulation methods: A pragmatic pilot study. European Stroke Journal.

Ibsen, Jørgen; Hov, Maren Ranhoff ; Tokerud, Gunn Eli; Fuglum, Julia; Krogstad, Marianne Linnerud; Stugaard, Marie; Ihle-Hansen, Hege Beate; Lund, Christian; Hall, Christian (2024). Prehospital computed tomography in a rural district for rapid diagnosis and treatment of stroke. European Stroke Journal.

Jamtli, Bjørn; Hov, Maren Ranhoff ; Jørgensen, Trine Møgster ; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Ihle-Hansen, Hege Beate; Sandset, Else Charlotte; Kongsgård, Håvard Wahl; Hardeland, Camilla (2024). Telephone triage and dispatch of ambulances to patients with suspected and verified acute stroke - a descriptive study. BMC Emergency Medicine. Vol. 24.

Guterud, Mona; Hardeland, Camilla; Bugge, Helge Fagerheim; Sandset, Else Charlotte; Svendsen, Edel Jannecke ; Hov, Maren Ranhoff (2024). Experiences from a cluster-randomized trial (ParaNASPP) exploring triage and diagnostic accuracy in paramedic-suspected stroke: a qualitative interview study. European Journal of Neurology.

Harring, Astrid Karina V. ; Røislien, Jo; Larsen, Karianne; Guterud, Mona; Bugge, Helge Fagerheim; Sandset, Else Charlotte; Kristensen, Dorte Vesterager; Hov, Maren Ranhoff (2023). Gamification of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) for simulation training—a feasibility study. Advances in Simulation. Vol. 8.

Guterud, Mona; Bugge, Helge Fagerheim; Røislien, Jo; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Toft, Mathias; Ihle-Hansen, Hege Beathe; Bache, Kristi Cecilie Grønvold; Larsen, Karianne; Braarud, Anne-Cathrine; Sandset, Else Charlotte; Hov, Maren Ranhoff (2023). Prehospital screening of acute stroke with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (ParaNASPP): a stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised controlled trial. 11 s. Lancet Neurology. Vol. 22.

Guterud, Mona Marie; Bugge, Helge Fagerheim; Røislien, Jo; Larsen, Karianne; Eriksen, Erik; Mikkelsen, Martin Lerstang; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Bache, Kristi Cecilie Grønvold; Sandset, Else Charlotte; Hov, Maren Ranhoff (2022). Interrater Agreement on National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Between Paramedics and Stroke Physicians: Validation Study for the Digital Training Model in the Paramedic Norwegian Acute Stroke Prehospital Project. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Neurotechnology. Vol. 1.

Bugge, Helge Fagerheim; Guterud, Mona; Røislien, Jo; Larsen, Karianne; Ihle-Hansen, Hege; Toft, Mathias; Hov, Maren Ranhoff ; Sandset, Else Charlotte (2022). National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores obtained using a mobile application compared to the conventional paper form: A randomised controlled validation study. 7 s. BMJ Innovations. Vol. 9.

Larsen, Karianne; Solberg, Henriette; Hov, Maren Ranhoff ; Thorsen, Kjetil; Solyga, Volker; Lund, Christian; Bache, Kristi Cecilie Grønvold (2022). Streamlining Acute Stroke Care by Introducing National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale in the Emergency Medical Services: A Prospective Cohort Study. 7 s. Stroke. Vol. 53.

Fremstad, Kjell Otto; Lindenskov, Paal Helge H.; Ihle-Hansen, Hege; Jamtli, Bjørn; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Hardeland, Camilla; Hov, Maren Ranhoff ; Sandset, Else Charlotte (2022). Veien inn til sykehus for pasienter innlagt ved mistanke om akutt hjerneslag. 43 s. Sykepleien Forskning. Vol. 17.

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