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Rune Jonassen

Rune Jonassen



Klinisk psykologi


Aktive forskningsprosjekter

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Roalsø, Elise Solbu ; Klonteig, Sandra ; Kraft, Brage ; Skarstein, Siv ; Hilland, Eva ; Mirtaheri, Peyman ; Ålberg, Marianne ; Jonassen, Rune (2024). Over-the-counter analgesic usage: Associations with attentional biases in young women. Behavioural Pharmacology. Vol. 35.

Bø, Ragnhild; Kraft, Brage ; Jonassen, Rune ; Joormann, Jutta; Harmer, Catherine; Landrø, Nils Inge (2024). The effect of ABM on attentional networks and stress-induced emotional reactivity in a mixed clinical sample with depression: A randomized sham-controlled trial. 8 s. Neuroscience Applied. Vol. 3.

Bø, Ragnhild; Kraft, Brage ; Skilbrei, August; Jonassen, Rune ; Harmer, Catherine; Landrø, Nils Inge (2024). Inhibition moderates the effect of attentional bias modification for reducing residual depressive symptoms: A randomized sham-controlled clinical trial. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. Vol. 85.

Roalsø, Elise Solbu ; Klonteig, Sandra ; Kraft, Brage ; Skarstein, Siv ; Aalberg, Marianne ; Jonassen, Rune (2024). Associations between over-the-counter analgesics usage and symptoms of anxiety and depression in adolescents: a network analysis. 11 s. BMC Psychiatry. Vol. 24.

Sannes, Ann-Christin ; Ghani, Usman; Niazi, Imran Khan; Moberget, Torgeir; Jonassen, Rune ; Haavik, Heidi; Gjerstad, Johannes (2024). Investigating Whether a Combination of Electro-Encephalography and Gene Expression Profiling Can Predict the Risk of Chronic Pain: A Protocol for an Observational Prospective Cohort Study. 18 s. Brain Sciences. Vol. 14.

Hagen, Hallvard Solbø; Røssberg, Jan Ivar; Harmer, Catherine; Jonassen, Rune ; Landrø, Nils Inge; Bø, Ragnhild (2024). Does rumination moderate the effect of attention bias modification for depressive symptoms?. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports. Vol. 17.

Bø, Ragnhild; Kraft, Brage ; Joormann, Jutta; Jonassen, Rune ; Harmer, Catherine; Landrø, Nils Inge (2023). Cognitive predictors of stress-induced mood malleability in depression. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping. Vol. 37.

Kraft, Brage ; Bø, Ragnhild; Hoorelbeke, Kristof; Koster, Ernst; Jonassen, Rune ; Harmer, Catherine; Landrø, Nils Inge (2023). Examining attentional functioning in depression using a personalized network approach: A proof-of-principle study. Psychiatry Research Communications. Vol. 3.

Bø, Ragnhild; Kraft, Brage ; Jonassen, Rune ; Pedersen, Mads Lund; Harmer, Catherine; Landrø, Nils Inge (2023). The long-term effects of ABM on symptom severity in patients with recurrent depression: A randomized sham-controlled trial. 6 s. Journal of Affective Disorders. Vol. 340.

Kraft, Brage ; Bø, Ragnhild; Jonassen, Rune ; Heeren, Alexandre; Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet; Stiles, Tore Charles; Landrø, Nils Inge (2023). The association between depression symptoms and reduced executive functioning is primarily linked by fatigue. 8 s. Psychiatry Research Communications. Vol. 3.

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