Norwegian version

Ageing Research and Housing Studies

This research group is a department of the Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) and combines the best from two large research fields.

The ageing research studies social, behavioural and health developments in older adults living in Norway. Central fields in their studies are the civil society, labour marked, social network and family – which are the key domains of active ageing and relevant fields for policy advise for maintaining a sustainable welfare state. 

Our research on housing explores several topics: housing needs, housing demand, social inequality, mobility and life course events, contextual effects, and housing policy. The basic assumption is that housing plays a central role in people’s everyday life, but also in the production and reproduction of social inequality. 

Read about The Network for Ageing Research at OsloMet.

Head of research group

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More about our research

Our ageing research concentrate on opportunities for active ageing or exclusion from it, intergenerational support, retirement, formal and informal care, individual’s health and wellbeing and the social construction of inequalities therein, and on the consequences of an ageing population for the sustainability of the welfare state. The department is increasingly involved in international research projects, which opens up for new research on the influence of macro social factors such as culture and welfare state provisions. 

Regarding our housing studies, a dividing line exists between ownership and renting, and between different birth cohorts’ access to housing during periods of varying economic and political conditions. Housing is an exceptional type of good, indivisibly linked to its geographical location, and likely to affect well-being and the distribution of economic resources. Effects on other spheres of life may be direct or indirect, i.e. housing will sometimes play a mediating role in relation to spheres such as education, work, family formation, and health. 


Find more research projects at NOVA


Members of the departments’ ageing research collaborate with research groups from universities across Europe, among which the Karolinska Institute, Swiss-centre of expertise in life course research-LIVES, University of Bucharest, Free University Amsterdam, Technical University Dortmund and the German Centre of Gerontology - DZA, and the University of Milano Bicocca.

The department was further involved in a number of European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) actions, i.e. INTERFASOL - Intergenerational family solidarity across Europe (, AGEISM - a multi-national, interdisciplinary perspective (; and ROSENET Reducing Old-Age Social Exclusion: Collaborations in Research & Policy (

The departments’ housing studies group are active members of the international research organisation the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR). The annual research conferences arranged by ENHR has become an important venue for presentations of our ongoing research, but also for making new contacts with researchers for future collaboration. Lena Magnusson Turner is also member of the ENHR coordination committee.  


  • Sauter, J.; Precupetu, I. & Aartsen, M. (2024). Cohort and gender differences in the association between childlessness and social exclusion in old age. European Journal of Ageing 
  • Santiago, A.M.; Galster, G. & Turner, L.M. (2024). Heterogeneous neighbourhood effects on the educational attainments of native Norwegian and immigrant-descendant female and male young adults. Urban Studies
  • Sørvoll, J.; Osnes, S.M. & Brattbakk, I. (2024). Needs-Tested and Market-Based Social Rented Housing: The Extreme Case of Norway? Tidsskrift for boligforskning
  • Turner, L.M. & Wessel, T. (2024). The geography of intergenerational mobility in Norway: Labor market diversity, career opportunities, and gender. Journal of Regional Science
  • Kozák, M. & Picot, G.J. (2024). The politics of the minimum wage: Explaining introduction and levels. British Journal of Industrial Relations
  • Henning, T.; Løset, G.K. & Huxhold, O. (2024). Personality and 10-Year Personality Development Among Norwegians in Midlife—Do Retirement and Job Type Play a Role? Psychology and Aging
  • Kvæl, L.A.H. et al. (2024). Implementation of the four habits model in intermediate care services in Norway: a process evaluation. BMC Health Services Research 
  • Gautun, H. & Bratt, C. (2024). Caring for older parents in Norway – How does it affect labor market participation and absence from work?. Social Science and Medicine
  • Brattbakk, I. & Sørvoll, J. (2024). They must live somewhere! The geographical dimension of residualized social rented housing in urban Norway. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
  • Bay, A-H.; Hellevik, T. & Pedersen, A.W. (2024). Popular support for a universal basic income – still sensitive to playing the immigration card?. European Journal of Social Security

Find more publications at the researchers’ employee pages.

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