Norwegian version

Health and Welfare Studies

The Department for Health and Welfare Studies maintains a long-standing research tradition at NOVA on the topic of welfare state services and benefits, organisation and users.

The purpose of welfare policy is to ensure good living conditions for the population as well as an inclusive society. This objective requires constantly updated knowledge about the design of social policy and the consequences of various services and benefits.

A key question is how the welfare state works for users in general and vulnerable groups in particular. This is particularly important in order to shed light on the consequences of poverty and social exclusion.

The goal of the Department for Health and Welfare Studies at Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) is to contribute knowledge in these fields.

Head of research group

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More about our research

Welfare states face several major challenges, and the Department for Health and Welfare Studies pays particular attention to five main challenges that form its core areas: 

  1. welfare states and the green transition 
  2. democracy and public administration
  3. comprehensive welfare services
  4. equal opportunities in education and employment 
  5. social inequality in health

In the Department of Health and Welfare Studies, we work with interdisciplinary and comparative research throughout the life cycle, and migration and disability are central themes of our research.

In NOVA's strategy for the period from 2023 to 2026, we will anchor research activities within the above five core areas by continuing to:

  • maintain a high academic level of our scientific publication
  • disseminate our research to relevant user groups and the general public 
  • build on and expand existing international networks, and continue to focus on applications for international funding.

Our researchers and PhD candidates cover a range of disciplines (sociology, political science, economics, human geography, psychology and social work).

We lead and are involved in national and international research projects, funded by, among others, the European Commission, the EEA NO Grants, the Research Council of Norway, Norwegian ministries, directorates and civil society organisations.


  • Bjørnshagen, V.; Rooth, D-O.; Ugreninov, E. (2025). Disability, gender and hiring discrimination – a field experiment. European Societies
  • Takle, M. (2025). Showing Social Solidarity with Future Generations. Routledge
  • Helland, H.; Strømme, T.B. & Thomsen, J-B. (2024). Social inequality in dropout rates in higher education: Denmark and Norway. Studies in Higher Education
  • Wondemu, M. et al. (2024). Sickness absence among mothers caring for a child with disability: Examining the impact of mechanical and psychosocial occupational exposures. SSM - Population Health
  • Trąbka, A.; Pustułka, P. & Bell, J. (2024). Making Sense of Data Interrelations in Qualitative Longitudinal and Multi-Perspective Analysis. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung
  • Henningsen, E. & Takle, M. (2024). Cultural policy and the politics of display. The establishment of the opera house in Oslo. International Journal of Cultural Policy
  • Haug, A.V. (2024). Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19 : Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Østerud, K.L. et al. (2024). “My child is my job now” – Care, work and careers of mothers with disabled children in the Norwegian welfare state. Social Science and Medicine
  • Heggebø, K.; Elstad, J.I. (2024). Health-related exit from employment before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: Analysis of population-wide register data 2013–2021. SSM - Population Health
  • Takle, M.; Vedeler, J.S.; Schoyen, M.; Bøhler, K.K.; Falch-Eriksen, A. (red.) (2023). Citizenship and Social Exclusion at the Margins of the Welfare State. Routledge

More publications are listed on the researcher's employee pages.


  • Paths2Include

    PATHS2INCLUDE will expand our understanding of the multidimensional aspects of labour market discrimination, the impact of different policy frameworks, and the gaps and possible need for change on various levels in order to detect mechanisms and processes that shape barriers or facilitate inclusive labour markets in Europe.

Find more research projects at NOVA

Featured research

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Our way of life threatens future generations

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Mothers of disabled children work less, take more sick leave, and often leave the workforce entirely

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Elisbeth Ugreninov and Justyna Bell
Research on discrimination in employment

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