Kort om
Professor i nordisk litteratur. Professor II ved Nord universitet. Underviser i norsk/norskdidaktikk ved lærerutdanningen. Leder av forskergruppen "Challenging Picturebooks in Education: Rethinking Language and Literature Learning".
Fagdidaktikk Litteraturvitenskapelige fag Humaniora Nordisk litteratur Teologi og religionsvitenskap
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Stranden, Tone Louise
Ommundsen, Åse Marie
Children’s Responses to a Challenging Picturebook with a Contrapuntal Relationship Between Historical Facts and Humorous Fiction.
Children's Literature in Education.
Ommundsen, Åse Marie ; Stavem, Gro Marie (2023). When Rabbits Get Scared: Exploring a Cognitively Challenging Picturebook on War. Kümmerling-Meibauer, Bettina; Schulz, Farriba (Red.). Political Changes and Transformations in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Children's Literature. s. 139-158. Universitätsverlag Winter.
Ommundsen, Åse Marie
Stavem, Gro Marie
Øgreid, Anne Kristine
The Role of the Child in a War Zone: 10-year-old Students' Responses to a Cognitively Challenging Picturebook on War - An Interview Study.
12 s.
Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature.
Vol. 61.
Ommundsen, Åse Marie
Stavem, Gro Marie
Øgreid, Anne Kristine
Når kaniner blir redde: å utvikle emosjonell og kritisk literacy gjennom felles lesing av en utfordrende bildebok.
12 s.
Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift (BLFT).
Vol. 14.
Ommundsen, Åse Marie
Haaland, Gunnar
; Kümmerling-Meibauer, Bettina
Introduction: Exploring Challenging Picturebooks in Education.
Ommundsen, Åse Marie; Haaland, Gunnar; Kümmerling-Meibauer, Bettina (Red.).
Exploring Challenging Picturebooks in Education: International Perspectives on Language and Literature Learning. s. 1-16.
Ommundsen, Åse Marie
Cognitively challenging picturebooks and the pleasures of reading: explorative learning from picturebooks in the classroom.
Ommundsen, Åse Marie; Haaland, Gunnar; Kümmerling-Meibauer, Bettina (Red.).
Exploring Challenging Picturebooks in Education: International Perspectives on Language and Literature Learning. s. 99-121.
Ommundsen, Åse Marie
Haaland, Gunnar
; Kümmerling-Meibauer, Bettina
Exploring Challenging Picturebooks in Education: International Perspectives on Language and Literature Learning.
ISBN: 9781003013952.
Ommundsen, Åse Marie (2021). Taboo. Nel, Philip; Paul, Lissa; Christensen, Nina (Red.). Keywords for children's literature. Second Edition.. s. 178-181. New York University Press.
Haaland, Gunnar
Karlsson, Eivind
Øgreid, Anne Kristine
Ommundsen, Åse Marie
Exploring a Challenging Picturebook Gospel in the Classroom.
Ommundsen, Åse Marie; Haaland, Gunnar; Kümmerling-Meibauer, Bettina (Red.).
Exploring Challenging Picturebooks in Education: International Perspectives on Language and Literature Learning. s. 203-228.
Ommundsen, Åse Marie (2018). Bildeboka. Stokke, Ruth Seierstad; Tønnessen, Elise Seip (Red.). Møter med barnelitteratur - Introduksjon for lærere. Universitetsforlaget.