English version
Frode Eika Sandnes

Frode Eika Sandnes

Kort om

Jeg forsker på brukergrensesnitt. Jeg er opptatt av innovative interaksjonsformer og gjenbruk av ferdigheter samt universell utforming.

Jeg arbeider også med mønstergjenkjenning, bildeanalyse og intelligente systemer.



Samfunnsøkonomi   Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsvitenskap   Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi   Industri- og produktdesign   Annen informasjonsteknologi


Universell utforming   Menneske maskin interaksjon

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Sandnes, Frode Eika (2025). Are there too many papers by the same authors within the same conference proceedings? Norms and extremities within the field of Human–Computer Interaction. 41 s. Scientometrics.

Sandnes, Frode Eika (2025). Interactive Magnification for Low-Vision Users. Vanderdonckt, Jean; Palanque, Philippe; Winckler, Marco (Red.). Handbook of Human Computer Interaction. Springer.

Huang, Yo-Ping; Kshetrimayum, Satchidanand; Sandnes, Frode Eika (2025). UAV-Based Automatic Detection, Localization, and Cleaning of Bird Excrement on Solar Panels. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics. Systems. Vol. 55.

Sandnes, Frode Eika ; Tollefsen, Morten; Herstad, Jo; Knarlag, Kjetil A. (2024). Should Student Coursework Be Universally Designed? Universal Design Requirements May Prevent Academic Cheating. Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Leister, Wolfgang; Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos (Red.). Universal Design 2024: Shaping a Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Future for All. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Universal Design (UD2024), Oslo, Norway, 20-22 November 2024. s. 158-165. IOS Press.

Kuriakose, Bineeth; Sandnes, Frode Eika (2024). Navigating Inclusivity: Exploring Accessibility in Oslo's Public Transport Mobile App. Fuglerud, Kristin Skeide; Leister, Wolfgang; Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos (Red.). Universal Design 2024: Shaping a Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Future for All. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Universal Design (UD2024), Oslo, Norway, 20-22 November 2024. s. 331-338. IOS Press.

Sandnes, Frode Eika (2024). Twenty years of Collaborative Design, Visualization and Engineering: A Bibliometric Exploration. Luo, Yuhua (Red.). In proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Collaborative Design, Visualization and Engineering. s. 299-310. Springer. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-

Sandnes, Frode Eika ; Murad, Nechrvan Abdulla; Khalid, Mohammad; Nassani, Fadl El (2024). A smart handheld magnifier for reflowing printed text notices in public spaces. 12 s. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. Vol. 19.

Sandnes, Frode Eika (2024). On portfolio assessment, group work, and quasi-anonymization: What structural information do anonymized reports reveal?. Cheng, Yu-Ping; Pedaste, Margus; Bardone, Emanuele; Huang, Yueh-Ming (Red.). Innovative Technologies and Learning. ICITL 2024 Part I. s. 149-158. Springer.

Devkota, Ananta; Gupta, Shashank; Shrestha, Raju ; Sandnes, Frode Eika (2024). Students’ Perceptions of Study Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Efficiency: Effects of Voice assistant Use. Cheng, Yu-Ping; Pedaste, Margus; Bardone, Emanuele; Huang, Yueh-Min (Red.). Innovative Technologies and Learning. ICITL 2024 Part II. s. 145-153. Springer.

Sandnes, Frode Eika (2024). A Creativity Tool for Coursework Feedback: Towards a Framework for Timely, Consistent, and Balanced Written Feedback with Wide Syllabus Coverage in Large Classes. Cardoso, Alberto; Restivo, Maria Teresa (Red.). 2023 6th Experiment@ International Conference (exp.at'23). s. 163-168. IEEE Press.

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