English version
Malte Runge

Malte Runge

Kort om

J. Malte Runge is Associate Professor of Organizational Psychology at Oslo Business School, OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University. He received his Ph.D. from Ghent University in 2019. His research interests and teaching responsibilities include organizational behavior, individual differences, and research methods. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Business and Psychology and Journal of Personnel Psychology. He received the "Best Adhoc Reviewer" award from the Journal of Applied Psychology in 2020. His work has been published in journals such as the Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Psychological Assessment, European Journal of Personality, and Journal of Managerial Psychology.

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Lang, Jonas W. B.; Runge, J. Malte ; De Fruyt, Filip (2021). What are agile, flexible, or adaptable employees and students? A typology of dynamic individual differences in applied settings. European Journal of Personality.

Reindl, Gudrun; Lang, Jonas W. B.; Runge, J. Malte (2021). Work Event Experiences: Implications of an Expanded Taxonomy for Understanding Daily Well-Being. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

de Voogt, Alex; Runge, J. Malte (2020). Peer review and role conflict. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice (IOP).

Lang, Jonas W. B.; Van Hoeck, Sander; Runge, J. Malte (2020). Methodological and conceptual issues in studying effort-reward fit. Journal of Managerial Psychology.

Runge, J. Malte ; Lang, Jonas W. B.; Zettler, Ingo; Lievens, Filip (2020). Predicting counterproductive work behavior: Do implicit motives have incremental validity beyond explicit traits?. Journal of Research in Personality.

Lang, Jonas W. B.; Bliese, Paul; Runge, Malte (2019). Detecting Consensus Emergence in Organizational Multilevel Data: Power Simulations. Organizational Research Methods. Vol. 24.

den Hartog, Sophie C.; Runge, J. Malte ; Reindl, Gudrun; Lang, Jonas W. B. (2019). Linking Personality Trait Variance in Self- Managed Teams to Team Innovation. Small Group Research.

Runge, J. Malte ; Lang, Jonas W. B. (2019). Can People Recognize Their Implicit Thoughts? The Motive Self-Categorization Test. Psychological Assessment.

Lang, J. W. B.; Mussel, Patrick; Runge, J. Malte (2018). TBS-TK Rezension: Inventar zur Erfassung von Arbeitsmotiven. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie.

Runge, J. Malte ; Lang, Jonas W. B.; Chasiotis, Athanasios; Hofer, Jan (2018). Improving the Assessment of Implicit Motives Using IRT: Cultural Differences and Differential Item Functioning. Journal of Personality Assessment.

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