Samfunnsvitenskap Pedagogiske fag
Teknologi Informasjonsteknologi IKT i undervisning Kommunikasjonsteknologi IKT og læring Læringsteknologi Yrkespedagogikk Yrkesdidaktikk
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Karstensen, Steinar
Aakernes, Nina
21st Century Skills in Technical Vocational Teacher Education.
Association for Teacher Education in Europe.
Grydeland, Anders
Karstensen, Steinar
; Lier, Arne Roar Lehne;
Sannerud, Arne Ronny
Læring i teknologifag. Opplæringen for yrker innenfor industriteknologi for å møte kravene til det 21. århundrets arbeidsliv og kompetansebehov.
Skandinavisk tidsskrift for yrker og profesjoner i utvikling - SJVD.
Vol. 9.
Karstensen, Steinar
Aakernes, Nina
En utdanningsreforms møte med ulike skolekulturer og forståelsesrammer.
Skandinavisk tidsskrift for yrker og profesjoner i utvikling - SJVD.
Vol. 8.
Karstensen, Steinar
; Lier, Arne Roar Lehne
Virtual welding: A didactic perspective.
13 s.
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training.
Vol. 10.
Karstensen, Steinar (2016). From campus to online learning – experience from the first year of online training in Technical and Vocational Teacher Education (TVTE). Livingston, Kay; Macfarlane, Gaele (Red.). Teacher education through partnerships and collaborative learning communities. Proceedings of the 40th annual ATEE Conference. Glasgow 2015. s. 72-82. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe.
Karstensen, Steinar ; Holt, John; Storvik, John Eivind (2016). Learning logs and self-assessment: How to use students learning logs and selfassessment towards learning outcomes as a tool in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to provide insight and support the students' different learning needs and development of student`s learning strategy?. Livingston, Kay; Macfarlane, Gaele (Red.). Teacher education through partnerships and collaborative learning communities. Proceedings of the 40th annual ATEE Conference. Glasgow 2015. s. 83-94. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe.
Karstensen, Steinar (2015). What do the teacher training students see when they look and what do they say they see when they are out on the observation in school for the first time. Leite, Laurinda (Red.). ATEE annual conference 2014 - Transitions in teacher education and Professional identities. Proceedings. s. 173-182. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe.
Karstensen, Steinar (2014). Norwegian TVET teachers use of new technologies. Arntzen, Eystein (Red.). Educating for the future : Proceedings of the ATEE 38th Annual Conference, Halden 2013. s. 246-259. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe.
Karstensen, Steinar ; Sund, Grete Haaland (2009). Forskning og utvikling i samhandling gjennom aksjonsforskning - mellom skoler, bedrifter, fylkeskommuner og høgskole. Groven, Berit; Guldal, Tale M.; Lillemyr, Ole Fredrik; Naastad, Nils; Rønning, Frode (Red.). FoU i praksis 2008. Rapport fra konferanse om praksisrettet FoU i lærerutdanning. s. 193-202. Tapir Akademisk Forlag.