Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Strand, Ingri
Nielsen, Liv Merete
Architecture in school practice: possible tools for supporting spatial literacy.
22 s.
International Journal of Technology and Design Education.
Vol. 34.
Ringvold, Tore Andre ; Strand, Ingri ; Haakonsen, Peter ; Strand, Kari Saasen (2024). The AI generative text-to-image creative learning process: An art and design educational perspective. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal. Vol. 29.
Ringvold, Tore Andre ; Strand, Ingri ; Haakonsen, Peter ; Strand, Kari Saasen (2023). AI Text-to-Image Generation in Art and Design Teacher Education. A Creative Tool or a Hindrance to Future Creativity?. Davies, Sarah; McLain, Matt; Hardy, Alison; Morrison-Love, David (Red.). PATT40 The 40th Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Conference. LJMU Library Journal Hosting Service.
Strand, Ingri
Hempel, Ernst Erik
Hjelseth, Eilif
Realising the Potentials of Virtual Reality and Building Information Models? Civil Engineering Students’ Utilisation of Technology in a Group Project.
Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon; Grierson, Hilary (Red.).
DS 117: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2022), London South Bank University in London, UK. 8th - 9th September 2022.
The Design Society.
Strand, Ingri
Lutnæs, Eva
Developing spatial literacy through design of built environments: Art and crafts teachers’ strategies.
Design and Technology Education: An International Journal.
Vol. 3.
Strand, Ingri
Lutnæs, Eva
Teaching Size, Area and Scale.
Brandt, Eva; Markussen, Thomas; Berglund, Eeva; Julier, Guy; Linde, Per (Red.).
Proceedings of Nordes 2021: Matters of Scale. 15-18 August 2021.
Hoebeke, Stephanie
Strand, Ingri
Haakonsen, Peter
Programming as a New Creative Material in Art and Design Education.
Techne Serien.
Vol. 28.
Strand, Ingri
Virtual Reality in Design Processes - a literature review of benefits, challenges, and potentials.
18 s.
FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk.
Vol. 13.
Strand, Ingri
Nielsen, Liv Merete
Combining Craft and Digital Tools in Design Education for the General Public.
Storni, Cristiano; Leahy, Keelin; McMahon, Muireann; Lloyd, Peter; Bohemia, Erik (Red.).
Proceedings of DRS 2018 - Volume 7
. s. 2689-2700.
Design Research Society.
Strand, Ingri
Nielsen, Liv Merete
ICT versus Craft in Design Education for the General Public.
Berg, Arild; Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon; Gulden, Tore; Kovacevic, Ahmed; Pavel, Nenad (Red.).
proceedings of E&PDE 2017 – International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Building Community: Design Education for a Sustainable Future. s. 360-365.
The Design Society.