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Jon Erik Finnvold

Jon Erik Finnvold



Samfunnsvitenskap   Demografi


Sosial ulikhet   Funksjonshemming   Helsetjenester   Innvandrerhelse   Inkluderende utdanning


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Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Gugushvili, Alexi; Dokken, Therese ; Grue, Jan; Finnvold, Jon Erik (2023). Early-life impairments, chronic health conditions, and income mobility. British Journal of Sociology. Vol. 75.

Gugushvili, Alexi; Grue, Jan; Dokken, Therese ; Finnvold, Jon Erik (2023). No evidence that social-democratic welfare states equalize valued outcomes for individuals with disabilities. 10 s. Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 339.

Finnvold, Jon Erik ; Dokken, Therese (2023). How school placement and parental social capital influence children’s perceptions of inclusion in school. A survey of Norwegian children with physical disabilities. 16 s. European Journal of Special Needs Education.

Finnvold, Jon Erik (2021). Integrating Students with Disabilities in Schools. Lessons from Norway. ISBN: 978-3-030-78193-4. 106 s. Palgrave Pivot.

Finnvold, Jon Erik (2019). How Income Inequality and Immigrant Background Affect children’s Use of Mental Healthcare Services in Oslo, Norway. Child Indicators Research. Vol. 12.

Finnvold, Jon Erik (2018). How social and geographical backgrounds affect hospital admission with a serious condition: a comparison of 11 immigrant groups with native-born Norwegians. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 18.

Vlachou, Anastasia; Stavroussi, Panayiota; Roka, Olga; Vasilou, Evdokia; Papadimitriou, Dimitra; Scaratti, Chiara; Kadyrbaeva, Asel; Fheodoroff, Klemens; Brecelj, Valentina; Svestkova, Olga; Tobiasz-Adamczyk, Beata; Finnvold, Jon Erik ; Gruber, Sonja; Leonardi, Matilde (2018). Policy guidelines for effective inclusion and reintegration of people with chronic diseases in the workplace: national and european perspectives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). Vol. 15.

Finnvold, Jon Erik (2018). School segregation and social participation: the case of Norwegian children with physical disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education. Vol. 33.

Finnvold, Jon Erik ; Ugreninov, Elisabeth (2018). Refugees’ admission to mental health institutions in Norway: Is there an ethnic density effect?. Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 209.

Finnvold, Jon Erik (2018). Will my child ever go to a university? The link between school segregation practices and Norwegian parents’ expectations for their physically disabled child. 11 s. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. Vol. 18.

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