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Jennifer Gerwing

Jennifer Gerwing

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Larsen, Berit Hofset; Gerwing, Jennifer ; Lundeby, Tonje; Gulbrandsen, Pål; Førde, Reidun (2025). More than an extra set of ears: A video-based analysis exploring the role of companions in routine oncology visits. Journal of psychosocial oncology.

Frigaard, Christine; Menichetti Delor, Julia; Schirmer, Henrik; Bjørnstad, Herman; Simonsen, Tone Breines; Wisløff, Torbjørn; Gulbrandsen, Pål; Gerwing, Jennifer (2024). What do patients with heart failure disclose about medication adherence at home to their hospital and primary care doctors? Exploratory interaction-based observational cohort study. 10 s. BMJ Open. Vol. 14.

Bjelkarøy, Maria Torheim; Simonsen, Tone Breines; Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Halset, Sigrid; Cheng, Socheat; Grambaite, Ramune; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Gerwing, Jennifer ; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Lundqvist, Anders Christofer (2024). Brief Intervention as a Method to Reduce Z-Hypnotic Use by Older Adults: Feasibility Case Series. 14 s. JMIR Formative Research. Vol. 8.

Gerwing, Jennifer ; White, Anne E. C.; Henry, Stephen G. (2023). Communicative Practices Clinicians Use to Correct Patient Misconceptions in Primary Care Visits. 16 s. Health Communication.

Østby, Lene Gunhild; Gerwing, Jennifer ; Oterholm, Inger (2023). Hvordan gir ansatte i barnevernet råd til foreldre? En analyse av rådgivning i hjelpetiltaket «råd og veiledning». Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern. Vol. 100.

Menichetti, Julia; Gulbrandsen, Pål; Landmark, Anne Marie Dalby; Lie, Hanne Cathrine; Gerwing, Jennifer (2023). How Do Physicians Frame Medical Information in Talks With Their Patients? An Inductive Microanalysis. Qualitative Health Research. Vol. 34.

Larsen, Berit Hofset; Lundeby, Tonje; Gulbrandsen, Pål; Førde, Reidun; Gerwing, Jennifer (2022). Physicians’ responses to advanced cancer patients’ existential concerns: A video-based analysis. 8 s. Patient Education and Counseling. Vol. 105.

Lie, Hanne Cathrine; Gerwing, Jennifer ; Bondevik, Hilde; Bostad, Inga; Ellingsen, Dan-Mikael; Frühholz, Sascha; Gulbrandsen, Pål; Hontvedt, Magnus; Lange, Thomas de; Landmark, Anne Marie; Larsen, Berit Hofset; Menichetti, Julia (2022). Studying clinical communication through multiple lenses: The underused potential of inter-disciplinary collaborations. Patient Education and Counseling.

Kjøllesdal, Marte Karoline Råberg; Gerwing, Jennifer ; Indseth, Thor (2022). Health risks among long-term immigrants in Norway with poor Norwegian language proficiency. 8 s. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.

Menichetti, Julia; Gerwing, Jennifer ; Borghi, Lidia; Gulbrandsen, Pål; Vegni, Elena (2021). Saying “I don’t know”: A video-based study on physicians’ claims of no-knowledge in assisted reproductive technology consultations. Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 11.

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