English version
Line Aasen

Line Aasen


Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Aasen, Line ; Werner, Anne; Knutsen, Ingrid Ruud ; Johannessen, Anne-Kari M. (2024). Collaboration between professionals in primary and secondary healthcare services about hospital-at-home for children: A focus group study from the perspectives of stakeholders. 9 s. Journal of Interprofessional Care.

Aasen, Line ; Johannessen, Anne-Kari M. ; Knutsen, Ingrid Ruud ; Werner, Anne (2022). Negotiating safety and responsibility in caregiving to children receiving hospital-at-home: A Norwegian study of parents and homecare nurses' experiences. Health and Social Care in the Community.

Aasen, Line ; Johannessen, Anne-Kari M. ; Knutsen, Ingrid Ruud ; Werner, Anne (2021). The work of nurses to provide good and safe services to children receiving hospital-at-home: A qualitative interview study from the perspectives of hospital nurses and physicians. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

Aasen, Line ; Ponton, Irene Gynnild; Johannessen, Anne-Kari M. (2018). Being in control and striving for normalisation: A Norwegian pilot study on parents? perceptions of hospital-at-home. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

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