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Linda Rennie

Linda Rennie

Kort om

Avdelingsleder for ortopediingeniørfag og førsteamanuensis ved OsloMet - Storbyuniversitetet. Forsknings- og faglig fokus på bevegelsesanalyse, nevrologisk rehabilitering, spesielt opp mot monitorering av funksjon, gange og balanse. Utdannet fysioterapeut. Underviser innen motorisk kontroll teori, klinisk ganganalyse.



Samfunnsmedisin, sosialmedisin


Aktive forskningsprosjekter

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Hansen, Sandra Linnea ; Larsen, Kerstin Lundberg; Lidal, Ingeborg Beate; Fagereng, Elisabeth; RENNIE, LINDA (2024). Walking Function and Capacity in Middle-Aged and Older (59-66y) Adults With Spina Bifida Myelomeningocele: A 4-Year Follow-up Study. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.

Johansson, Hanna; Ekman, Urban; RENNIE, LINDA ; Peterson, Daniel S.; Leavy, Breiffni; Franzen, Erika (2021). Dual-Task Effects During a Motor-Cognitive Task in Parkinson’s Disease: Patterns of Prioritization and the Influence of Cognitive Status. 10 s. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. Vol. 35.

Rennie, Linda ; Opheim, Arve Isak; Dietrichs, Espen; Löfgren, Niklas; Franzèn, Erika (2020). Highly challenging balance and gait training for individuals with Parkinson’s disease improves pace, rhythm and variability domains of gait – A secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation. Vol. 35.

Larsen, Kerstin Lundberg; Maalen-Johansen, Ingvild Koren; Rennie, Linda ; Lidal, Ingeborg Beate (2020). Gait Function in Adults Aged 50 Years and Older With Spina Bifida. 6 s. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Vol. 102.

Löfgren, Niklas; Conradsson, David; Rennie, Linda ; Moe-Nilssen, Rolf; Franzèn, Erika (2019). The effects of integrated single- and dual-task training on automaticity and attention allocation in Parkinson's disease: A secondary analysis from a randomized trial. Neuropsychology. Vol. 33.

Gouelle, Arnaud; RENNIE, LINDA ; Clark, Derek J.; Megrot, Fabrice; Balasubramanian, Chitralakshmi K (2018). Addressing limitations of the Gait Variability Index to enhance its applicability: The enhanced GVI (EGVI). PLOS ONE. Vol. 13.

RENNIE, LINDA ; Löfgren, Niklas; Moe-Nilssen, Rolf; Opheim, Arve Isak; Dietrichs, Espen; Franzèn, Erika (2018). The reliability of gait variability measures for individuals with Parkinson's disease and healthy older adults ? The effect of gait speed. Gait & Posture. Vol. 62.

RENNIE, LINDA ; Dietrichs, Espen; Moe-Nilssen, Rolf; Opheim, Arve Isak; Franzèn, Erika (2017). The validity of the Gait Variability Index for individuals with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease. Gait & Posture. Vol. 54.

Røislien, Jo; RENNIE, LINDA ; Skaaret, Ingrid (2012). Functional limits of agreement: a method for assessing agreement between measurements of gait curves. Gait & Posture. Vol. 36.

Røislien, Jo; Skare, Øivind; Rennie, Linda ; Opheim, Arve Isak (2012). Evaluating the properties of the coefficient of multiple correlation (CMC) for kinematic gait data. Journal of Biomechanics. Vol. 45.

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