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Aktive forskningsprosjekter
Evaluering av ny kompetansemodell
Evaluering av ny kompetansemodell: desentralisert ordning for skole og yrkesopplæring, og oppfølgingsordningen.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Lahn, Leif Christian
Berntsen, Svanhild Kristine
Frameworking vocational teachers’ digital competencies: An integrative literature review and synthesis.
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE).
Vol. 7.
Lahn, Leif Christian
; Klette, Kirsti
Reactivity beyond contamination. An integrative literature review of video studies in educational research.
18 s.
International Journal of Research & Method in Education.
Hellne-Halvorsen, Ellen Beate
Lahn, Leif Christian
Nore, Hæge
Writing Competences in Norwegian Vocational Education and Training: - How Students and Apprentices Express their Professional Competences.
21 s.
Vocations and Learning.
Vol. 14.
Elvebakk, Beate
; Nævestad, Tor-Olav;
Lahn, Leif Christian
Mandatory periodic training for professional drivers: A Norwegian study of implementation and effects.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.
Vol. 72.
Lahn, Leif Christian
Nore, Hæge
Large scale studies of holistic professional competence in vocational education and training (VET). The case of Norway.
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training.
Vol. 6.
Lahn, Leif Christian
Nore, Hæge
ePortfolios as Hybrid Learning Arenas in Vocational Education and Training.
Choy, Sarojni; Wärvik, Gun-Britt; Lindberg, Viveca (Red.).
Integration of Vocational Education and Training Experiences: Purposes, Practices and Principles. s. 207-226.
Lahn, Leif Christian
Organizational teaching and learning – a (re)view from educational science.
Learning Organization.
Vol. 23.
Lahn, Leif Christian
; Erikson, Truls
Entrepreneurship education by design.
Education + Training.
Vol. 58.
Nore, Hæge ; Lahn, Leif Christian (2015). Trade Examinations – Questions of Ownership and Validity. Gessler, Michael; Freund, Larissa (Red.). Crossing Boundaries in Vocational Education and Training: Innovative Concepts for the 21st Century. s. 237-241. Evaluate Europe Handbook Series.
Nore, Hæge
Lahn, Leif Christian
Bridging the Gap between Work and Education in Vocational Education and Training. A study of Norwegian Apprenticeship Training Offices and E-Portfolio Systems.
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training.
Vol. 1.