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Lena Magnusson Turner

Lena Magnusson Turner

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Lena Magnusson Turner is a professor in urban and social geography. Her research focuses on residential mobility and life course, segregation and housing choice, geography, social justice, and urban and housing models. She completed her Ph.D. thesis in social and economic geography at Uppsala University, Sweden, about residential vacancy chain. Later she has been involved in research on housing careers and economic progress for immigrants, housing preferences, social inequality and poverty, household mobility on tight housing markets, gentrification and residualisation on the housing market. Lena Magnusson Turner is a member of the ENHR Coordination Committee. Since 2010, she works at NOVA, and Oslo University. At present she leads the research project ”A fair chance? How geography shapes life opportunities” financed by the Research Council of Norway. The opportunity to move up the socioeconomic ladder is a key matter for combating poverty and reducing inequality. This is the premise for the project, to which an increasingly relevant dimension is added, namely: “How does the spatial context in which people live during different stages of their lives shape their life prospects and socioeconomic outcomes?”.


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