English version
Martin Vinther Bavngaard

Martin Vinther Bavngaard

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Bavngaard, Martin Vinther ; Lund, Anne ; Thordardottir, Björg Sigridur Anna ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve (2023). (PROTOCOL) The uses and experiences of communication technology for home-dwelling older adults in a homecare services context: a qualitative systematic review. PROSPERO International prospectie register of systematic reviews.

Bavngaard, Martin Vinther ; Lund, Anne ; Thordardottir, Björg Sigridur Anna ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve (2023). (PROTOCOL) The uses and experiences of communication technology for home-dwelling older adults in a homecare services context: a qualitative systematic review. PROSPERO International prospectie register of systematic reviews.

Bavngaard, Martin Vinther ; Lund, Anne ; Zouganeli, Evi ; Beganovic, Amila (2023). (PROTOCOL) Essential Cognitive Features for Assistive Robots to Support Older Adults Receiving Home Health Care. Open Science Framework (OSF).

Bavngaard, Martin Vinther (2023). Ageing with apps A Foucauldian study exploring older people's use of apps in managing their physical health. 20 s. Mediekultur. Vol. 39.

Bavngaard, Martin Vinther ; Lüchau, Elle Christine; Hvidt, Elisabeth Assing; Grønning, Anette (2023). Exploring patient participation during video consultations: A qualitative study. Digital Health. Vol. 9.

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