Kort om
Spesialist i radiologi (2013). PhD om dobbeltgransking av radiologiske undersøkelser for kvalitetssikring av svarrapporter (2016). Jobber klinisk med bildediagnostikk av nyrer, urinveier og mannlige genitalia på Oslo Universitetssykehus Aker.
- Reduksjon i bruk av jodholdige kontrastmidler ved hjelp av dual energy / spektral CT.
- Bruk av kunstig intelligens til å beregne kroppssammensetning (muskler og fett) fra CT-bilder.
- Aldersbestemmelse vha MR av visdomstenner.
- Utredning av sykdommer i nyrer og urinveier.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Kjelle, Elin
; Brandsæter, Ingrid Øfsti;
Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre
; Andersen, Eivind Richter; Porthun, Jan;
Hofmann, Bjørn Morten
Quality of referrals and adherence to guidelines for adult patients with minimal to moderate head injuries in a selection of Norwegian hospitals.
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery.
Kjelle, Elin
; Brandsæter, Ingrid Øfsti;
Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre
; Andersen, Eivind Richter; Porthun, Jan;
Hofmann, Bjørn Morten
Quality of referrals and adherence to guidelines for adult patients with minimal to moderate head injuries in a selection of Norwegian hospitals.
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery.
Vol. 51.
Treider, Martin; Romandini, Elisa; Alavi, Dena Treider; Aghayan, Davit; Rasmussen, Margrethe Kallestad; Marchegiani, Giovanni;
Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre
; Pelanis, Egidijus; Edwin, Bjørn von Gohren; Blomhoff, Rune; Fretland, Åsmund Avdem
Postoperative changes in body composition after laparoscopic and open resection of colorectal liver metastases: data from the randomized OSLO-COMET trial.
Surgical Endoscopy.
Hofmann, Bjørn Morten
; Andersen, Eivind Richter; Brandsæter, Ingrid Øfsti; Clement, Fiona; Elshaug, Adam G; Bryan, Stirling; Aslaksen, Aslak Bjarne; Hjørleifsson, Stefan;
Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre
; Johansen, Bente Kristin; Jarosch-von Schweder, Gregor Kai; Nomme, Fredrik;
Kjelle, Elin
Success factors for interventions to reduce low-value imaging. Six crucial lessons learned from a practical case study in Norway.
Current problems in diagnostic radiology.
Vol. 53.
Kristiansen, Cathrine Helgestad
; Tetteroo, P.M.; Dobrolinska, M.M.;
Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre
; Velthuis, B.K.; Greuter, M.J.W.; Suchá, D.; de Jong, Jong; van der Werf, der
Halved contrast medium dose coronary dual-layer CT-angiography – phantom study of tube current and patient characteristics.
The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging.
Vol. 40.
Galtung, Kristina Flor;
Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre
; Sandbæk, Gunnar; Bay, Dag; Baco, Eduard; Rud, Erik
Urinary stone assessment in a single-phase may replace the unenhanced and multiphase computed tomography protocol in painless visible haematuria.
8 s.
Scandinavian Journal of Urology.
Vol. 59.
Jacewicz, Michal; Rud, Erik;
Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre
; Baco, Eduard
Non-infectious adverse events of transperineal prostate biopsies performed under local anaesthesia.
BJU International.
Vol. 134.
Naimi, Salma
; Ødegaard, Kaja Johannson; Jenssen, Kjersti Kaul;
Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre
Quality of referrals for lower extremity ultrasonography and computed tomography pulmonary angiography and associations with positive findings of venous thromboembolism.
6 s.
Vol. 30.
Galtung, Kristina Flor;
Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre
; Sandbæk, Gunnar; Bay, Dag; Ponzi, Erica; Baco, Eduard; Cowan, Nigel Christopher; Naas, Anca Michaela; Rud, Erik
Computed tomography for visible haematuria – a single nephrographic phase is sufficient for detecting renal cell carcinoma.
8 s.
Scandinavian Journal of Urology.
Vol. 59.
Berg, Hedda Beate; Alavi, Dena Treider; Beichmann, Benedicte; Pesonen, Maiju; Henriksen, Christine; Paur, Ingvild; Bøhn, Siv Kjølsrud;
Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre
; Blomhoff, Rune; Henriksen, Hege
The choice of diagnostic modality influences the proportion of low muscle strength, low muscle mass, and sarcopenia in colorectal cancer patients.
6 s.
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.
Vol. 60.