Aktive forskningsprosjekter
Smerte, ungdom og sjølvmedisinering (SUS)
Prosjektet handlar om å utforska smerte og bruk av reseptfrie smertestillande medisinar hos ungdom.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Roalsø, Elise Solbu
Klonteig, Sandra
Kraft, Brage
Skarstein, Siv
Hilland, Eva
Mirtaheri, Peyman
Ålberg, Marianne
Jonassen, Rune
Over-the-counter analgesic usage: Associations with attentional biases in young women.
Behavioural Pharmacology.
Vol. 35.
Bø, Ragnhild;
Kraft, Brage
Jonassen, Rune
; Joormann, Jutta; Harmer, Catherine; Landrø, Nils Inge
The effect of ABM on attentional networks and stress-induced emotional reactivity in a mixed clinical sample with depression: A randomized sham-controlled trial.
8 s.
Neuroscience Applied.
Vol. 3.
Bø, Ragnhild;
Kraft, Brage
; Skilbrei, August;
Jonassen, Rune
; Harmer, Catherine; Landrø, Nils Inge
Inhibition moderates the effect of attentional bias modification for reducing residual depressive symptoms: A randomized sham-controlled clinical trial.
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.
Vol. 85.
Roalsø, Elise Solbu
Klonteig, Sandra
Kraft, Brage
Skarstein, Siv
Aalberg, Marianne
Jonassen, Rune
Associations between over-the-counter analgesics usage and symptoms of anxiety and depression in adolescents: a network analysis.
11 s.
BMC Psychiatry.
Vol. 24.
Sannes, Ann-Christin
; Ghani, Usman; Niazi, Imran Khan; Moberget, Torgeir;
Jonassen, Rune
; Haavik, Heidi; Gjerstad, Johannes
Investigating Whether a Combination of Electro-Encephalography and Gene Expression Profiling Can Predict the Risk of Chronic Pain: A Protocol for an Observational Prospective Cohort Study.
18 s.
Brain Sciences.
Vol. 14.
Hagen, Hallvard Solbø; Røssberg, Jan Ivar; Harmer, Catherine;
Jonassen, Rune
; Landrø, Nils Inge; Bø, Ragnhild
Does rumination moderate the effect of attention bias modification for depressive symptoms?.
Journal of Affective Disorders Reports.
Vol. 17.
Bø, Ragnhild;
Kraft, Brage
; Joormann, Jutta;
Jonassen, Rune
; Harmer, Catherine; Landrø, Nils Inge
Cognitive predictors of stress-induced mood malleability in depression.
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping.
Vol. 37.
Kraft, Brage
; Bø, Ragnhild; Hoorelbeke, Kristof; Koster, Ernst;
Jonassen, Rune
; Harmer, Catherine; Landrø, Nils Inge
Examining attentional functioning in depression using a personalized network approach: A proof-of-principle study.
Psychiatry Research Communications.
Vol. 3.
Bø, Ragnhild;
Kraft, Brage
Jonassen, Rune
; Pedersen, Mads Lund; Harmer, Catherine; Landrø, Nils Inge
The long-term effects of ABM on symptom severity in patients with recurrent depression: A randomized sham-controlled trial.
6 s.
Journal of Affective Disorders.
Vol. 340.
Kraft, Brage
; Bø, Ragnhild;
Jonassen, Rune
; Heeren, Alexandre; Ulset, Vidar Sandsaunet; Stiles, Tore Charles; Landrø, Nils Inge
The association between depression symptoms and reduced executive functioning is primarily linked by fatigue.
8 s.
Psychiatry Research Communications.
Vol. 3.