Kort om
Sara Rivenes Lafontan er utdannet sykepleier og har en mastergrad i international community health og en doktorgrad fra det medisinske fakultet på Universitetet i Oslo. Hennes doktorgrad omhandlet bruk av ny teknologi under fødsel blant jordmødre og fødekvinner i Tanzania. Sara forsker innenfor seksuell-og reproduktiv helse og rettigheter og kvalitet på fødselsomsorgen i både høy- og lavinntekstland. Hun er en del av forskningssamarbeidet Safer Births. Hun underviser og veileder studenter på bachelor, master og PhD nivå. Sara har tidligere jobbet i FNs Befolkningsfond, UNFPA og FNs Barnefond, UNICEF, i land i Sentral Amerika, Afrika og Midtøsten.
Sara er medlem av Gender and Rights Advisory Panel (GAP) i verdens helseorganisasjon.
Reproduktiv helse Global Helse Migrasjonshelse Mødrehelse Fødselsomsorg
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Kamala, Benjamin; Moshiro, Robert; Kalumbu, Florence; Torgeirsen, Kjetil Djuve; Guga, Godfrey; Githiri, Beatrice; Samson, Justine; chavala, Philimon; Qorro, Grace; Kayera, Damas; Kamala, Ivony; Massay, Catherine Safari; Mdoe, Pascal; Daudi, Vickfarajaeli; Mduma, Esto; mwashemele, shally; Bundala, Felix; Ersdal, Hege Langli;
Lafontan, Sara Rivenes
Practice, Experiences, and Facilitators of Simulation-Based Training During One Year of Implementation in 30 Hospitals in Tanzania.
Sage Open Nursing.
Massay, Catherine Safari;
Lafontan, Sara Rivenes
; Rogathi, Jane Januarius; Safari, Upendo; Nimrod Sigalla, Geofrey
Intrauterine Device Use and Perceptions Among Women in Tanzania—A Mixed Methods Study.
Sage Open Nursing.
Vol. 10.
Rivenes Lafontan, Sara
; Jones, Felicia; Lama, Niru
Exploring comprehensive sexuality education experiences and barriers among students, teachers and principals in Nepal: a qualitative study.
Reproductive Health.
Vol. 21.
Mdoe, Paschal Francis; Mduma, Estomih;
Rivenes Lafontan, Sara
; Ersdal, Hege Langli; Massay, Catherine; Daudi, Vickfarajaeli Zebedayo; Kayera, Damas; Mwashemela, Shally; Moshiro, Robert Deogratias; Kamala, Benjamin
Healthcare Workers’ Perceptions on the “SaferBirths Bundle of Care”: A Qualitative Study.
Vol. 11.
Jerpseth, Heidi
Kaasen, Anne
Rivenes Lafontan, Sara
Eri, Tine Schauer
Experiences of Norwegian co-parents during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions: A qualitative study.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being.
Vol. 18.
Rivenes Lafontan, Sara
Hougaard, Peter Forde
Knutstad, Unni
Jensen, Kari Toverud
Jerpseth, Heidi
Caught in the Middle—Experiences of Student Peer Mentors in Nursing Education: A Qualitative Study.
11 s.
Education Sciences.
Vol. 13.
Rivenes Lafontan, Sara
; Kidanto, Hussein; Ersdal, Hege Langli; Mbekenga, Columba K.; Sundby, Johanne
Perceptions and experiences of skilled birth attendants on using a newly developed strap-on electronic fetal heart rate monitor in Tanzania.
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.
Vol. 19:165.
Lafontan, Sara Rivenes
; Sundby, Johanne; Kidanto, Hussein L.; Mbekenga, Columba; Ersdal, Hege Langli
Acquiring knowledge about the use of a newly developed electronic fetal heart rate monitor: A qualitative study among birth attendants in Tanzania.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH).
Vol. 15.
Lafontan, Sara Rivenes
; Sundby, Johanne; Ersdal, Hege Langli; Abeid, Muzdalifat; Kidanto, Hussein; Mbekenga, Columba K.
"I was relieved to know that my baby was safe": women's attitudes and perceptions on using a new electronic fetal heart rate monitor during labor in Tanzania.
12 s.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH).
Vol. 15.