Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter
Kunstig intelligens - et nytt verktøy innen assistert reproduksjonsteknologi
Prosjektet har som mål å forbedre metodene for å velge ut sædceller og embryo, og dermed øke sjansen for graviditet og levendefødte barn.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Kakulavarapu, Radhika; Stensen, Mette Haug;
Jahanlu, David
Haugen, Trine B.
Delbarre, Erwan
Altered morphokinetics and differential reproductive outcomes associated with cell exclusion events in human embryos.
11 s.
Reproductive Biomedicine Online.
Vol. 47.
Delbarre, Erwan
; Janicki, Susan M
Modulation of H3.3 chromatin assembly by PML: A way to regulate epigenetic inheritance.
Vol. 43.
Riegler, Michael Alexander
; Stensen, Mette Haug;
Witczak, Oliwia
Andersen, Jorunn Marie
; Hicks, Steven;
Hammer, Hugo Lewi
Delbarre, Erwan
Halvorsen, Pål
Yazidi, Anis
; Holst, Nicolai;
Haugen, Trine B.
Artificial intelligence in the fertility clinic: status, pitfalls and possibilities.
Human Reproduction.
Vol. 36.
Paulsen, Jonas; Liyakat Ali, Tharvesh Moideen; Nekrasov, Maxim;
Delbarre, Erwan
; Baudement, Marie-Odile; Kurscheid, Sebastian; Tremethick, David; Collas, Philippe
Long-range interactions between topologically associating domains shape the four-dimensional genome during differentiation.
Nature Genetics.
Vol. 51.
Spirkoski, Jane; Shah, Akshay; Reiner, Andrew Henry; Collas, Philippe;
Delbarre, Erwan
PML modulates H3.3 targeting to telomeric and centromeric repeats in mouse fibroblasts.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC.
Vol. 511.
Zink, Lisa-Maria;
Delbarre, Erwan
; Eberl, H Christian; Keilhauer, Eva C; Bonisch, Clemens; Punzeler, Sebastian; Bartkuhn, Marek; Collas, Philippe; Mann, Matthias; Hake, Sandra B.
H3.Y discriminates between HIRA and DAXX chaperone complexes and reveals unexpected insights into human DAXX-H3.3-H4 binding and deposition requirements.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR).
Vol. 45.
Paulsen, Jonas; Sekelja, Monika; Oldenburg, Anja; Barateau, Alice; Briand, Nolwenn;
Delbarre, Erwan
; Shah, Akshay; Sørensen, Anita Løvstad; Vigouroux, Corinne; Buendia, Brigitte; Collas, Philippe
Chrom3D: Three-dimensional genome modeling from Hi-C and nuclear lamin-genome contacts.
Genome Biology.
Vol. 18:21.
Delbarre, Erwan
; Ivanauskiene, Kristina; Spirkoski, Jane; Shah, Akshay; Vekterud, Kristin; Moskaug, Jan Øivind; Bøe, Stig Ove; Wong, Lee H.; Küntziger, Thomas M.; Collas, Philippe
PML protein organizes heterochromatin domains where it regulates histone H3.3 deposition by ATRX/DAXX.
Genome Research.
Vol. 27.
Rønningen, Torunn; Shah, Akshay; Oldenburg, Anja; Vekterud, Kristin;
Delbarre, Erwan
; Moskaug, Jan Øivind; Collas, Philippe
Prepatterning of differentiation-driven nuclear lamin A/C-associated chromatin domains by GlcNAcylated histone H2B.
Genome Research.
Vol. 25.
Lund, Eivind Gard; Collas, Philippe;
Delbarre, Erwan
Transcription outcome of promoters enriched in histone variant h3.3 defined by positioning of H3.3 and local chromatin marks.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC.
Vol. 460.