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Hege Hofstad

Hege Hofstad

Kort om

Min forskning handler om styring og samskaping i skjæringspunktet mellom offentlige myndigheter på lokalt, regionalt og nasjonalt nivå, det organiserte sivilsamfunnet, ulike typer næringslivsaktører og kunnskapsmiljøer for å utvikle og iverksette overgripende og langsiktige mål som folkehelse, klima, bærekraft. Jeg studerer hvordan slike prosesser spiller seg ut på lokalt nivå, i lokalsamfunnsutvikling, samfunns- og arealplanlegging eller i konkrete politiske vedtaksprosesser. Hvem som tar lederskap og hvordan er en særlig interesse.



Statsvitenskap og organisasjonsteori   Offentlig og privat administrasjon


Lederskap   Sosial ulikhet   Klima   Bærekraftig byutvikling   Folkehelse   Lokalsamfunnsutvikling   Samskaping


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Mouratidis, Konstantinos; Hofstad, Hege ; Zeiner, Hilde Hatleskog ; Busborg Sagen, Stine; Dahl, Christel; Følling, Kjersti Eline; Olsen, Bent Olav (2024). Assessing urban social sustainability with the Place Standard Tool: Measurement, findings, and guidance. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning.

Hofstad, Hege ; Vedeld, Trond (2024). Co-existing systems of performance management: Conflicts, coping strategies and emergent hybridity. Røiseland, Asbjørn; Jacob, Torfing; Eva, Sørensen (Red.). Advancing Co-creation in Local Governance: The Role of Coping Strategies and Constructive Hybridization. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Hofstad, Hege (2024). Co-creation challenges to public leadership: Tensions, dilemmas and coping mechanisms. Røiseland, Asbjørn; Jacob, Torfing; Eva, Sørensen (Red.). Advancing Co-creation in Local Governance: The Role of Coping Strategies and Constructive Hybridization. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Vedeld, Trond ; Hofstad, Hege (2024). Citizens as clients, customers and partners: Evolving roles and relationships in co-creation. Røiseland, Asbjørn; Jacob, Torfing; Eva, Sørensen (Red.). Advancing Co-creation in Local Governance: The Role of Coping Strategies and Constructive Hybridization. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Mouratidis, Konstantinos; Hofstad, Hege ; Zeiner, Hilde Hatleskog ; Sagen, Stine Busborg; Dahl, Christel; Følling, Kjersti Eline; Olsen, Bent Olav (2024). Assessing urban social sustainability with the Place Standard Tool: Measurement, findings, and guidance. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning. Vol. 148.

Røiseland, Asbjørn ; Breimo, Janne Paulsen; Hofstad, Hege ; Vedeld, Trond (2024). Presentation of cases, methods and contexts. Røiseland, Asbjørn; Jacob, Torfing; Eva, Sørensen (Red.). Advancing Co-creation in Local Governance: The Role of Coping Strategies and Constructive Hybridization. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Haarstad, Håvard; Hofstad, Hege ; Vedeld, Trond ; Smas, Lukas; Braathen, Einar ; Millstein, Marianne (2024). Democratic limitations of urban climate governance: proactive and reactive citizen action in four Scandinavian cities. Urban Geography.

Hofstad, Hege (2023). Well understood? A literature study defining and operationalising community social sustainability. Local Environment : the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability.

Hofstad, Hege (2023). Well understood? A literature study defining and operationalising community social sustainability. Local Environment : the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. Vol. 28.

Vedeld, Trond ; Hofstad, Hege (2022). How to Lead Collaborative Governance for Climate Transformation: A Guide for City Leaders and Decision-makers. 12 s. Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy (JCCPE). Vol. 1.

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