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Farmer in a field wearing VR glasses
Imagining tomorrow: How fiction shapes our vision of a sustainable future

Technology in one form or another is part of all our ideas about the future. However, there are also alternative ways to envision life in 30 years.

family with smart home devices
The rise of digital housekeeping: the hidden work of smart technology

Researcher have studied a somewhat overlooked aspect of our household chores: digital housekeeping.

River running through a lush and hilly green landscape
What happens when rivers are given rights?

Researchers have been looking at what happened when rivers were granted status as legal persons. In New Zealand, they are seeing particularly promising developments in indigenous peoples’ rights and conditions.

Pupils working in a classroom with a teacher
– Fast and fair transformations to low-carbon societies are difficult without critical climate education

Professor Hanne Svarstad argues that rapid and just climate action requires that people are offered education to understand the most important consequences of the various climate mitigation alternatives.

pile of clothes, female arms and hands holding clothes
Sustainable fashion or plastic pollution? A closer look at industry strategies

The fashion industry bears responsibility for the waste generated by synthetic clothing – even though the blame is often directed at consumers, according to researchers.

boy playing Fortnite
Buying popularity: how children are influenced by in-game spending

Kids risk being bullied or isolated if they don’t spend money on skins or equipment. Researchers have mapped how young people get manipulated into spending money while gaming.

huge amount of plastic bags with discarded clothes
Brand new clothes end up as waste due to overproduction

Enormous amounts of clothing never get worn. Much of it contains plastic and other synthetic fibres.

A forest on fire with flames and smoke on the ground.
Green shifting the news cycle

By covering the "green shift", journalists can drive the news cycle.

Image of a fishery, with blue skies above, and a fish jumping up from the foreground water.
The tiny secret to healthier fish

OsloMet professor believes that the key to developing healthy and sustainable salmon aquaculture is in understanding their micro-RNA.

girl in knitted sweater in a field surrounded by sheep
How can we go from fast to slow fashion?

The solution is right in front of our noses, says professor in clothing and sustainability.

crowd of people
How do we imagine a sustainable future?

How will people live their lives in 30 years? Now you can share your thoughts about the future with researchers.

A heap of old, empty plastic bottles.
In pursuit of plastic-eating bacteria

In a world drowning in plastic, plastic-eating bacteria may offer solutions to the deluge. Professor Colin Charnock has discovered novel ways to find and culture these types of bacteria.