English version
Evi Petersen

Evi Petersen

Kort om

Jeg er ansatt i fagseksjonen for fysisk fostring ved BLU. Her underviser og forsker jeg på bevegelse, helse og natur. Jeg har en master i fysisk aktivitet og helse, og jeg har en PhD i kulturstudier fra Instituttet for friluftsliv, idrett og kroppsøving (Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge) med fokus på emosjoners betydning for menneske-natur-relasjonen og hvordan disse påvirker helserelatert velvære og bærekraftige holdninger. Pågående forsknings- og utviklingsprosjekter som jeg involvert i er:



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Aktive forskningsprosjekter

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Broch, Tuva Beyer; Keller, Rose; Petersen, Evi (2024). Water symphonies: Teaching silent soundscapes and tranquillity. Brown, Mike (Red.). The Ocean, Blue Spaces and Outdoor Learning. Routledge.

Brambilla, Elena; Petersen, Evi ; Stendal, Karen; Sundling, Vibeke; MacIntyre, Tadhg E.; Calogiuri, Giovanna (2024). Effects of immersive virtual nature on nature connectedness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Digital Health. Vol. 10.

Calogiuri, Giovanna; Petersen, Evi ; Haile, Amelia; Flaten, Ole E.; Fröhlich, Fred; Litleskare, Sigbjørn (2023). The impact of visualization techniques of immersive virtual scenarios in promoting nature connectedness: A blind randomized controlled trial with mixed-methods approach. Journal of Environmental Psychology. Vol. 90.

Calogiuri, Giovanna; Petersen, Evi ; Rossi, Alessio; Terragni, Laura (2023). The significance of green exercise for the health and wellbeing of Italian immigrants in Norway: a mixed-methods study. 14 s. BMC Public Health. Vol. 23.

Nigg, Carina; Petersen, Evi ; Mac Intyre, Tadhg (2023). Natural environments, psychosocial health, and health behaviors in a crisis – A scoping review of the literature in the COVID-19 context. 85 s. Journal of Environmental Psychology. Vol. 88.

Brambilla, Elena; Petersen, Evi ; Stendal, Karen; Sundling, Vibeke; Mac Intyre, Tadhg; Calogiuri, Giovanna (2022). Effects of immersive virtual nature on nature connectedness: A systematic review protocol. 7 s. Digital Health. Vol. 8.

Murphy, Cassandra; MacCarthy, Danielle; Petersen, Evi (2022). Emerging Concepts Exploring the Role of Nature for Health and Well-Being. Brears, Robert (Red.). The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Palgrave Macmillan.

Petersen, Evi ; Bischoff, Annette; Liedtke, Gunnar; Martin, Andrew J (2021). How Does Being Solo in Nature Affect Well-Being? Evidence from Norway, Germany and New Zealand. 21 s. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). Vol. 18.

Hollander, Karsten; Petersen, Evi ; Zech, Astrid; Hamacher, Daniel (2021). Effects of barefoot vs. shod walking during indoor and outdoor conditions in younger and older adults. 8 s. Gait & Posture.

Petersen, Evi ; Martin, Andrew J (2021). Kama Muta (≈ Being Moved) Helps Connect People in and to Nature: A Photo Elicitation Approach. Ecopsychology. Vol. 13.

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