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Live Edvardsen Tonheim

Live Edvardsen Tonheim



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Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Edvardsen Tonheim, Live ; Molin, Marianne ; Brevik, Asgeir ; Gundersen, Malene Wøhlk ; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa (2024). Facilitators and barriers to online group work in higher education within health sciences–a scoping review. Medical Education Online. Vol. 29.

Edvardsen Tonheim, Live ; Groufh-Jacobsen, Synne ; Stea, Tonje Holte; Henjum, Sigrun (2023). Consumption of meat and dairy substitute products amongst vegans, vegetarians and pescatarians. 11 s. Food & Nutrition Research (FNR). Vol. 67.

Edvardsen Tonheim, Live ; Austad, Elisabeth; Torheim, Liv Elin ; Henjum, Sigrun (2022). Plant-based meat and dairy substitutes on the Norwegian market: Comparing macronutrient content in substitutes with equivalent meat and dairy products. 7 s. Journal of Nutritional Science (JNS). Vol. 11.

Henjum, Sigrun ; Groufh-Jacobsen, Synne ; Stea, Tonje Holte; Tonheim, Live Edvardsen ; Almendingen, Kari (2021). Iron Status of Vegans, Vegetarians and Pescatarians in Norway. 10 s. Biomolecules. Vol. 11.

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