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Louise Mifsud

Louise Mifsud

Kort om

Louise Mifsud holds a PhD in Education from the University of Oslo. Her research and teaching interests are in the areas of digital competence in schools and teacher education, more specifically cyber ethics and computational thinking. She is currently lead PI on a Norwegian Research Council funded project on Mathematics, Science and Computational Thinking in Nordic schools and teacher education (MASCOT).  



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Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Ukkonen, Aino ; Pajchel, Katarina ; Mifsud, Louise (2024). Teachers’ understanding of assessing computational thinking. Computer Science Education.

Mørch, Anders ; Andersen, Renate; Eie, Siv ; Mifsud, Louise (2024). Emergent group understanding: Investigating intersubjectivity in sociotechnical interdependencies. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.

Pajchel, Katarina ; Mifsud, Louise ; Frågåt, Thomas ; Rehder, Mads Middelboe; juuti, kalle; Bogar, Yurdagul; Lavonen, Jari; Schrøder, Vibeke; Aalbergsjø, Siv Gundrosen ; Rognes, Andre (2024). Sign of the Times An Analysis of Computational Thinking in Norwegian, Finnish and Danish Curricula. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE). Vol. 8.

Nordby, Siri Krogh ; Mifsud, Louise ; Bjerke, Annette Hessen (2024). Computational thinking in primary mathematics classroom activities. Frontiers in Education. Vol. 9.

Symeonaki, Maria; Hyggen, Christer ; Parsanoglou, Dimitris; Mifsud, Louise ; Stamou, Giorgos (2024). Investigating Patterns of Digital Socialisation During Leisure Through Multimodal Social Research. Holmarsdottir, Halla Bjørk; Seland, Idunn; Hyggen, Christer; Roth, Maria (Red.). Understanding The Everyday Digital Lives of Children and Young People. Springer Nature.

Rustad, Mikkel Bertram ; Parsanoglou, Dimitris; Symeonaki, Maria; Mifsud, Louise ; Hyggen, Christer ; Ghetau, Cosmin (2024). ‘Of gaming and other demons’: Defining children and young people’s meaningful leisure activities in the digital era. Holmarsdottir, Halla Bjørk; Seland, Idunn; Hyggen, Christer; Roth, Maria (Red.). Understanding The Everyday Digital Lives of Children and Young People. Springer Nature.

Labusch, Amelie; Eickelmann, Birgit; Casamassima, Gianna; Drossel, Kerstin; Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk; Kazani, Aggeliki; Mifsud, Louise ; Symeonaki, Maria; Teidla-Kunitsõn, Gertha (2024). Children’s and young people’s ICT experiences in school education: Participatory research design to engage children and young people as experts in research. Holmarsdottir, Halla Bjørk; Seland, Idunn; Hyggen, Christer; Roth, Maria (Red.). Understanding The Everyday Digital Lives of Children and Young People. s. 143-165. Springer Nature.

Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk; Holmarsdottir, Halla Bjørk ; Mifsud, Louise ; Teidla-Kunitsõn, Gertha; Barbovschi, Monica; Sisask, Merike (2024). Talking about digital responsibility: children’s and young people’s voices. Holmarsdottir, Halla Bjørk; Seland, Idunn; Hyggen, Christer; Roth, Maria (Red.). Understanding The Everyday Digital Lives of Children and Young People. s. 379-431. Springer Nature.

Eie, Siv ; Andersen, Renate; Mifsud, Louise ; Mørch, Anders ; Rustad, Mikkel Bertram (2023). Kritisk tenkning og Minecraft i lærerutdanningen: en studie av samfunnsfagundervisning om det industrielle gjennombruddet i Norge. Nordidactica.

Andersen, Renate; Frågåt, Thomas ; Bogar, Yurdagül; Juellund, Jesper; Mifsud, Louise (2023). Representations of Computational Thinking in Policy Documents in an Educational Context: The Cases of Denmark, Finland, and Norway. Proceedings (International Conference of the Learning Sciences).

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