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Margreth Grotle

Margreth Grotle



Allmennmedisin   Fysioterapi   Medisinske fag   Samfunnsmedisin, sosialmedisin   Human og veterinærmedisinsk fysiologi



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Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Johansson, Fred; Rozental, Alexander; Edlund, Klara; Grotle, Margreth ; Rudman, Ann; Jensen, Irene; Skillgate, Eva (2024). Trajectories of procrastination among Swedish University students over one academic year: a cohort study. BMC Psychology. Vol. 12.

Chen, Qiuzhen; Berg, Bjørnar ; Grotle, Margreth ; Maher, Chris G; Storheim, Kjersti ; Machado, Gustavo C (2024). Primary care seeking among adults with chronic neck and low back pain in Norway: A prospective study from the HUNT study linked to Norwegian primary healthcare registry. 11 s. European Journal of Pain.

Feller, Daniel; Wingbermuhle, Roel; Berg, Bjørnar ; Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse ; Innocenti, Tiziano; Grotle, Margreth ; Ostelo, Raymond Willem Jozef Gerardus; Chiarotto, Alessandro (2024). Improvements Are Needed in the Adherence to the TRIPOD Statement for Clinical Prediction Models for Patients With Spinal Pain or Osteoarthritis: A Metaresearch Study. Journal of Pain.

Toh, Zheng An; Berg, Bjørnar ; Han, Qin Yun Claudia; Hey, Hwee Weng Dennis; Pikkarainen, Minna; Grotle, Margreth ; He, Hong-Gu (2024). Clinical Decision Support System Used in Spinal Disorders: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR). Vol. 26.

Berg, Bjørnar ; Gorosito, Martin ; Fjeld, Olaf; Haugerud, Hårek ; Storheim, Kjersti ; Solberg, Tore; Grotle, Margreth (2024). Machine Learning Models for Predicting Disability and Pain Following Lumbar Disc Herniation Surgery. 14 s. JAMA Network Open. Vol. 7.

Grotle, Margreth ; Smedbråten, Kaja ; Richardsen, Kåre Rønn ; Øiestad, Britt Elin (2024). Pain and depressive symptoms among adolescents: prevalence and associations with achievement pressure and coping in the Norwegian Ungdata study. BMC Public Health. Vol. 24.

Venter, Martjie; Grotle, Margreth ; Øiestad, Britt Elin ; Aanesen, Fiona; Tingulstad, Alexander; Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth ; Ferraro, Michael; McAuley, James H.; Cashin, Aidan G. (2024). Treatment Effect Modifiers for Return-to-Work in Patients With Musculoskeletal Disorders. Journal of Pain. Vol. 25.

Killingmo, Rikke Munk ; Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth ; Maas, Esther; Pripp, Are Hugo ; Aanesen, Fiona; Tingulstad, Alexander; Tveter, Anne Therese ; Øiestad, Britt Elin ; Grotle, Margreth (2024). Modifiable prognostic factors of high societal costs among people on sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders: a replication study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. Vol. 25.

Killingmo, Rikke Munk ; Tveter, Anne Therese ; Pripp, Are Hugo ; Tingulstad, Alexander; Maas, Esther; Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth ; Grotle, Margreth (2024). Modifiable prognostic factors of high societal costs among people on sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders: findings from an occupational cohort study. BMJ Open. Vol. 14.

Zouch, James Henry; Berg, Bjørnar ; Pripp, Are Hugo ; Storheim, Kjersti ; Asthon-James, Claire E; Ferreira, Manuela L.; Grotle, Margreth ; Ferreira, Paulo H. (2024). Reducing strain on primary healthcare systems through innovative models of care: the impact of direct access physiotherapy for musculoskeletal conditions-an interrupted time series analysis. Family Medicine and Community Health (FMCH). Vol. 12.

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