English version
Trude Sundtjønn

Trude Sundtjønn


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Mathisen, Steinar ; Sundtjønn, Trude ; Forssell, Jon Henrik (2023). BlueBots and irrational numbers: Contingency moments in teaching mathematics and computational thinking in teacher education. Drijvers, Paul; Csapodi, Csaba; Palmer, Hanna; Gosztonyi, Katalin; Kónya, Eszter (Red.). Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). s. 2736-2743. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

Sundtjønn, Trude ; Kjensli, Grethe (2023). Facilitators’ feedback in a mathematics education course for practicing teachers. Drijvers, Paul; Csapodi, Csaba; Palmer, Hanna; Gosztonyi, Katalin; Kónya, Eszter (Red.). Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). s. 4834-4841. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

Kjensli, Grethe ; Nordby, Siri Krogh ; Sundtjønn, Trude Pedersen (2022). Norwegian primary teacher education: Prospective teachers' responses to short written feedback. Hodgen, Jeremy; Geraniou, Eirini; Bolondi, Giorgio; Feretti, Federica; Ferretti, Federica (Red.). Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

Sundtjønn, Trude (2013). Students’ Discussions on a Workplace Related Task. Ubuz, Behiye; Haser, Çiğdem; Mariotti, Maria Alessandra (Red.). Proceedings of the Eighth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. s. 1117-1126. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

Presthus, Anne Marie; Sundtjønn, Trude (2011). Samarbeidsrelasjoner mellom pedagogikk og andre fag. Presthus, Anne Marie (Red.). Fra teori til praksis og tilbake igjen Forsøk med praksis som integrerende element i lærerutdanningen - PIL-forsøket ved Universitetet i Agder. s. 41-47. Universitetet i Agder.

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