English version
Arne Dulsrud

Arne Dulsrud



Samfunnsvitenskap   Sosiologi   Samfunnsøkonomi


Varehandelens strukturutvikling   Forbruk mat   Markedsanalyse   Matforbruk   Forbrukermarkeder   Forbrukervalg   Dagligvarehandel


Aktive forskningsprosjekter

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Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Strandbakken, Pål; Jacobsen, Eivind ; Dulsrud, Arne ; Skuland, Silje Elisabeth (2025). Introduction: Consumption in the Social Sciences. Jacobsen, Eivind; Strandbakken, Pål; Dulsrud, Arne; Skuland, Silje Elisabeth (Red.). Consumers and consumption in comparison. s. 1-12. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Jacobsen, Eivind ; Strandbakken, Pål; Dulsrud, Arne ; Skuland, Silje Elisabeth (2025). Consumers and consumption in comparison. ISBN: 978-1-83549-315-1. 237 s. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Vol. 37.

Jacobsen, Eivind ; Strandbakken, Pål; Dulsrud, Arne ; Skuland, Silje Elisabeth (2024). Consumers and Consumption in Comparison (Volume 37). ISBN: 9781835493144. 237 s. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Dulsrud, Arne ; Francesca, Forno (2024). Digital Food Provisioning in Times of Multiple Crises: How Social and Technological Innovations Shape Everyday Consumption Practices. ISBN: 978-3-031-46322-8. 289 s. Palgrave Macmillan.

Dulsrud, Arne ; Bygstad, Bendik (2022). Digital ecosystems as social institutions: exploring the role of consumption through four research streams of digital ecosystems. Consumption and Society. Vol. 1.

Dulsrud, Arne (2021). Den lydige forbrukeren. Jensen, Thor Øivind; Jacobsen, Eivind; Knudsen, Morten W.; Schjelderup, Gerhard Emil (Red.). Forbrukersosiologi. s. 339-355. Fagbokforlaget.

Dulsrud, Arne (2021). Forbrukeren i samfunnet. Jensen, Thor Øivind; Jacobsen, Eivind; Knudsen, Morten W.; Schjelderup, Gerhard Emil (Red.). Forbrukersosiologi. s. 407-423. Fagbokforlaget.

Nemes, Gusztáv; Chiffoleau, Yuna; Zollet, Simona; Collison, Martin; Benedek, Zsófia; Colantuono, Fedele; Dulsrud, Arne ; Fiore, Mariantonietta; Holtkamp, Carolin; Kim, Tae-Yeon; Korzun, Monika; Mesa-Manzano, Rafael; Reckinger, Rachel; Ruiz-Martínez, Irune; Smith, Kiah; Tamura, Norie; Viteri, Maria Laura; Orbán, Éva (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on alternative and local food systems and the potential for the sustainability transition: Insights from 13 countries. Sustainable Production and Consumption. Vol. 28.

Bygstad, Bendik; Dulsrud, Arne (2020). Digital Ecosystems as a Unit of Scientific Analysis. A Sociological Investigation. 10 s. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Dulsrud, Arne (2017). Citizen-consumers: Consumer protection and empowerment. Keller, Margit; Halkier, Bente; Wilska, Terhi-Anna; Truninger, Monica (Red.). Routledge Handbook on Consumption. s. 215-226. Routledge.

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