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Karoline Brobakke Seglem

Karoline Brobakke Seglem

Kort om

Seglem har i flere år jobbet som forsker på ungdom og unge voksne, og de siste årene innen feltene arbeid og helse. Sentrale temaer har vært psykisk helse, sykefravær, uførhet, betydningen av genetikk og miljø, livsløp, sosial ulikhet og kjønnsforskjeller. Hun har særlig kompetanse innen kvantitative analyser, inkludert tvilling- og søskendesign.

Seglem har en doktorgrad i psykologi fra Universitetet i Oslo. Avhandlingen handlet om psykologisk tilpasning, stress og mestring blant enslige mindreårige flyktninger etter bosetting i Norge.




Samfunnsmedisin, sosialmedisin   Psykiatri, barnepsykiatri


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Seglem, Karoline Brobakke ; Ørstavik, Ragnhild; Torvik, Fartein Ask; Røysamb, Espen; Vollrath, Margarete E. (2020). Education differences in sickness absence and the role of health behaviors: a prospective twin study. 11 s. BMC Public Health. Vol. 20.

Seglem, Karoline Brobakke ; Torvik, Fartein Ask; Røysamb, Espen; Gjerde, Line C.; Magnus, Per; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted; Svedberg, Pia; Ørstavik, Ragnhild (2019). A Life Course Study of Genetic and Environmental Influences on Work Incapacity. Twin Research and Human Genetics.

Seglem, Karoline Brobakke ; Ørstavik, Ragnhild; Torvik, Fartein Ask; Gjerde, Line C.; Røysamb, Espen; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Ted; Knudsen, Gun Peggy; Tambs, Kristian (2017). Pre-pregnancy mental distress and musculoskeletal pain and sickness absence during pregnancy-a twin cohort study. European Journal of Public Health. Vol. 27.

Seglem, Karoline Brobakke ; Waaktaar, Trine; Ask, Helga; Torgersen, Svenn (2016). Sex differences in genetic and environmental contributions to alcohol consumption from early adolescence to young adulthood. Addiction. Vol. 111.

Ask, Helga; Waaktaar, Trine; Seglem, Karoline Brobakke ; Torgersen, Svenn (2016). Common Etiological Sources of Anxiety, Depression, and Somatic Complaints in Adolescents: A Multiple Rater twin Study. 14 s. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. Vol. 44.

Seglem, Karoline Brobakke ; Waaktaar, Trine; Ask, Helga; Torgersen, Svenn (2015). Genetic and Environmental Influences on Adolescents’ Smoking Involvement: A Multi-informant Twin Study. 10 s. Behavior Genetics. Vol. 45.

Seglem, Karoline Brobakke ; Torgersen, Svenn; Ask, Helga; Waaktaar, Trine (2015). Weak etiologic links between control and the externalizing behaviors delinquency and substance abuse in adolescence. 6 s. Personality and Individual Differences. Vol. 75.

Seglem, Karoline Brobakke ; Oppedal, Brit; Røysamb, Espen (2014). Daily hassles and coping dispositions as predictors of psychological adjustment: A comparative study of young unaccompanied refugees and youth in the resettlement country. International Journal of Behavioral Development. Vol. 38.

Ask, Helga; Torgersen, Svenn; Seglem, Karoline Brobakke ; Waaktaar, Trine (2014). Genetic and environmental causes of variation in adolescent anxiety symptoms: A multiple-rater twin study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. Vol. 28.

Seglem, Karoline Brobakke ; Oppedal, Brit; Raeder, Sabine (2011). Predictors of depressive symptoms among resettled unaccompanied refugee minors. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Vol. 52.

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