Norwegian version

Norwegian Network for Class Research

Children playing outside elementary school

Social inequality has once again become one of the significant topics in the field of social sciences and often garners considerable public attention, both internationally and in Norway. Although the concept of class is not universally employed by all researchers studying inequality, its usage has witnessed significant growth, both within and outside academia.

However, this does not imply that all researchers understand or employ the concept of class in the same manner. Within the network, the diversity of approaches to class is seen as a strength and serves as a solid foundation for academic exchange, critique, and debate.

Norwegian Network for Class Research is therefore not confined to a single discipline, a specific theoretical perspective, or a particular methodological approach. Nonetheless, a shared scholarly basis for researchers in the network is the recognition that class is an analytical approach that contributes to a better understanding of how systematic social inequality is created and reproduced.

Participation in the network is by invitation from the coordinators at NOVA but is open to all employees at NOVA.

The network's activities mainly consist of seminars held two to three times per semester, where participants present and provide feedback on ongoing work.

The network ensures that doctoral candidates and early-career researchers in the field have access to relevant networks, and that more established researchers are informed about new projects. It also facilitates discussions on ongoing research projects and serves as a platform for collaboration in developing new project proposals.

The network is coordinated by Thea Bertnes Strømme i collaboration with Jørn Ljunggren, Kari Stefansen, and Patrick Lie Andersen.


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Published: 16/06/2023 | OsloMet